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Room in Wolli creek

paris_hiponparis_hipon SydneyPosts: 204Member
The Details
hi we have an available room in wolli creek. Flat is 5 mins away from train station and just opposite woolworths. Has own toilet and bath. Secured access key. Fully furnished available to move in now. Have ameneties gym pool and sauna. Bills split every 3 months.

$260 for 1 person and $360 for 2 persons.

Please pm me to request an inspection thanks

21.jan.12 - Vetasses Positive
16.may.12 - 4th Ielts - IDP - L8.5 R7.5 W7.0 S7.5 = 7.5 - Pass
15.june.12 - State sponsorship Approved
19.june.12 - 176 Visa applied at DIAC
20.july.2012 - Singapore & Phi. Police checks finalised
17.aug.2012 - VISA GRANT
29.sept.2012 - Landed Sydney Alone! @_@ #$%&*#$^$


  • mayenmayen Singapore
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Jul 25, 2015
    Hi Paris, anu email or contact u? Pede b khit transient muna.
  • J_OzJ_Oz Sydney
    Posts: 1,002Member
    Joined: Jun 05, 2014
    is this still available?

    Developer Programmer (261312)
    08.25.2014: Completed gathering of documents
    08.29.2014: ACS Skills Assessment
    09.09.2014: ACS Result - OK - Thank you Lord!
    10.18.2014: IELTS IDP Makati
    10.31.2014: IELTS- R:8.5 L:7.5 S:7 W:7 - OBS:7.5) - Thank you Lord!
    02.03.2015: Submitted EOI
    02.26.2015: Received ITA 189
    04.24.2015: Lodged Visa - Day 1
    04.25.2015: Uploaded docs - Day 2
    05.08.2015: Wife NBI Clearance - Day 15 || 05.25.2015: Uploaded NBI Clearance - Day 32
    05.28.2015: Medicals @ SLEC BGC Day 35
    05.30.2015: Medicals Finalised - Day 37
    06.11.2015: CO Allocated - Day 48
    07.02.2015 - Visa Granted! Thank you LORD! Glory to God!
    10.15.2015 - Arrived in SYD - Jer 29:11

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