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Hi everybody, I want to apply for assessment for Medical Lab Scientist for immigration to Australia. I have an MBBS degree and an MD degree in Physiology from India. Would be highly grateful if any of you would kindly guide me in English as I was unable to follow most of the threads which are in another language. Please guide me in the following aspects:
1) can a person with MBBS,MD degree apply for this post?
2) How to prepare for the exam? which resources did you use and how long did you prepare?
3) Did you get a job immediately after clearing the exam?

I will be really grateful for your time and energy... thanks in advance if you are kind enough to guide me


  • chellechelle Perth WA
    Posts: 178Member
    Joined: Mar 15, 2014
    Google first the website of australian institute of medical scientists to find out if your qualifications can be assessed as med lab technician/scientist.

    Sept 2014 - IELTS take 1 L=6.5 R=8.0 W=7.5 S=7.5 IDP
    Dec 2014 - assessed as Medical Laboratory Technician 311213
    Sept 2015 - took the MLS Exam
    Oct 2015 - assessed as Medical Laboratory Scientist 234611 (received the letter on Dec 2015)
    Jan 23, 2016 - IELTS take 2 L=7.5 R=8.5 W=6.5 S=7.0 IDP
    Feb 05, 2016 - submitted EOI for 489 Relative Sponsored, 65 points
    Feb 20, 2016 - IELTS take 3 L=8.5 R=7.5 W=6.5 S=7.0 IDP
    Apr 30, 2016 - IELTS take 4 L=8.5 R=9.0 W=7.0 S=6.0 British Council (hayy, just wait for 489 invite)
    July 05, 2016 - got invited to lodge 489 Family Sponsored Visa
    July 30,2016 - lodged visa application and uploaded documents except nbi, kuwait police clearance
    Aug 09, 2016 - CO allocated, GSM Adelaide, Case Officer Hong, requested PCCs, Medical and Form 80
    Aug 18, 2016 - Health clearance provided - No action required
    Aug 22, 2016 - Uploaded PCCs and Form 80 (waiting for decision)
    August 30, 2016 - VISA GRANTED (Thank you, Lord!!)

  • guenbguenb Mandaluyong
    Posts: 470Member
    Joined: Jun 17, 2015
    @sukhmani You have to undergo assessment first, check details at AIMS' webpage\

    AIMS will determine if you can sit the exam, check here

    261111 - ICT Business Analyst
    26|05|15 - Visited Oz
    01|08|15 - IDP PH IELTS
    14|08|15 - (L:8.5 R:8.0 W:6.5 S:8.0 OBS:8.0) Sawi!
    07|09|15 - Remarking, unchanged.
    21|03|16 - Submitted to ACS
    30|03|16 - Assessment result, unsuitable, <4years
    27|09|16 - PTE Academic (L76/R55/S31/W88) Sawi!
    08|10|16 - IDP PH IELTS
    12|10|16 - Re-assessment ACS
    21|10|16 - (L:8.5 R:8.0 W:7.0 S:7.5 OBS:8.0) Better!
    28|10|16 - Assessment result, suitable!
    28|10|16 - Lodged EOI for 190/489 (60/65)
    Preparing for PTE Academic...
    Philippians 4:13 "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

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