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Experienced house cleaner needed - Parramatta area

ALGALG RydalmerePosts: 1Member
My husband and I are looking for a reliable and experienced house cleaner for our home in Rydalmere. We're two busy professionals and need a hand with getting the weekly cleaning done at our two-storey home.

Required cleaning includes:
- Dusting all surface areas and ornaments
- Vacumming and mopping floor areas
- Bathooms (1 shower, 3 toilets, 3 basins)
- Kitchen (wipe down benches, stove, microwave and cupboards, and clean sinks)
- Sweeping outdoor areas

Plus ironing shirts, trousers (5-10 items per week).

Cleaning will roughly take 2-3 hours per week as the jobs will alternate, and prefer to have the house cleaned on Mondays. We have all cleaning products needed but are open if you have your own products.

If you're interested in the job, please send through information on your cleaning experience, and reference for a background check. We can organise a trial clean and discuss rates.
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