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Master of Education or Teaching

LucieLucie MandaluyongPosts: 25Member
Hi! I created a discussion thread for those who wish to take an education program in Australia. I am just in the process of waiting for my scholarship application.

Please post here kapag same po tayo or may alam kayo na kumukuha ng same na field. Sa Melbourne or Adelaide ang target ko. If Melbourne, I am looking at Deakin or RMIT. If Adelaide, I consider Univ of South Australia.

Thank you for your helpful posts.


  • LucieLucie Mandaluyong
    Posts: 25Member
    Joined: May 06, 2016
    Meron ba dito na nagtake ng English course like at DUELI or CELUSA? 7 kc ang OBS ko sa IELTS. R6.5 W6.5 S7 L8. Kulang ako sa band ng 3 .5 sa DUELI at 2 .5 sa UNISA if Master of Teaching. Pero, ok lng sa Master of Educ.
  • LucieLucie Mandaluyong
    Posts: 25Member
    Joined: May 06, 2016
    God bless everyone! Happy December 2016!
  • LucieLucie Mandaluyong
    Posts: 25Member
    Joined: May 06, 2016
    Is Master of Teaching a better course than Master of Educ?
  • LucieLucie Mandaluyong
    Posts: 25Member
    Joined: May 06, 2016
    One challenge in taking Master of Teaching is the IELTS requirement. It requires higher score than that of Master of Education.
  • LucieLucie Mandaluyong
    Posts: 25Member
    Joined: May 06, 2016
    However, most universities offer Master of Teaching as a 2-yr program, unlike Master of Educ that is 1.5 years only.
  • LucieLucie Mandaluyong
    Posts: 25Member
    Joined: May 06, 2016
    If the course is up to two years, full time, I learned that the student may be granted with post study work rights.
  • LucieLucie Mandaluyong
    Posts: 25Member
    Joined: May 06, 2016
    If the program taken is up to two years full time, may post study work right. Below two years, parang wala,
  • LucieLucie Mandaluyong
    Posts: 25Member
    Joined: May 06, 2016
    If the program taken is up to two years full time, may post study work right. Below two years, parang wala,
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