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GleizihGleizih PhilippinesPosts: 3Member

Im a Filipina RN, currently working here in Middle East as a Homecare Nurse. I would like to ask on how to qualify or work in AU as a nurse? Like what will be my options after passing IELTS? I really get confused on the step-by-step guides that I've been reading in the internet. Maybe, someone could possibly help and enlighten me as to what should I do first? And please include the estimated amount that might cost me in the future process. Thank you very much.


  • CasseyCassey Melbourne, Australia
    Posts: 2,812Member, Moderator
    Joined: Sep 07, 2015
    Hi, please check this link:

    With the costs, it depends on what pathway you'll be taking and what uni as well,

    June 16, 2013 Arrival in Melbourne (AGED CARE)
    Nov 12, 2014 Changed Visa Subclass (572->573) and Course
    Nov 13, 2014 573 Visa Approved
    Mar 2015 Nursing Conversion Course (Deakin Uni) started
    April 13, 2016 Lodged EOI thru Skill Select
    April 27, 2016 Received invitation to apply for Visa 189 (Nurse)
    May 2, 2016 Lodged application for 189 Visa (Onshore)
    May 11, 2016 CO contacted for Form 80/Medicals of daughter
    June 17, 2016 189 VISA GRANTED Thank you my amazing God :)

    Dec14, 2017 Citizenship application
    March 21, 2019 Citizenship Ceremony :)

    "Happy is the person who learns to wait as he prays and never loses his patience, for God's time is the best time."

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