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Resident Return Visa (subclass 155)

polymathpolymath Gimhae-siPosts: 38Member
edited November 2012 in Other Migration Topic
For those who have experienced, planning to lodge or have idea about this visa, could you please share your thoughts and experiences.

As far as I know, this visa is for those who are permament resident visa holder but visa has expired or about to expire and want to regain status as an Australian permanent resident and finally apply for citizenship. This may apply for those who delay their move to Australia causing them not meeting the 4 year residency requirement prior to applying for citizenship.

Many thanks.


  • KarL915KarL915 North Ryde
    Posts: 13Member
    Joined: Sep 07, 2012

    I have no experience on this but I have some thought on your concern.
    You are right. In addition to that, in order to regain your residency, you must satisfy the eligibility requirements depending on the length of visa you are applying for. It is very easy. Please see the link below:

    Hope this helps.
  • icebreaker1928icebreaker1928 Sydney
    Posts: 1,455Member
    Joined: Apr 26, 2011
    @polymath lalabas ka po ba ng AU sir?
    kung hindi, nde naman po yun requirement...
    pwede mo antayin na lang na mag 4 yrs ka then apply for citizenship...
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