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cdr for ie

rhuelqAUSrhuelqAUS MandaluyongPosts: 1Member
where to get the cdr for ie? how to start an application if i have a bro who's a PR in aus. thanks


  • lock_code2004lock_code2004 Perth
    Posts: 5,037Member, De-activated
    Joined: Feb 23, 2012
    edited August 2014
    bkit naging topic ang username ko? lol...

    pm me your address and i can give you a sample IE CDR..

    Sep 24, 2011 - IELTS (L-8 R-8 W-8 S-7.5 : OBS-8)
    Jan 04, 2012 - EA application submitted | Feb 23, 2012 - EA assessment result (IE ANZSCO 233511)
    May 8, 2012 - Lodged GSM 175 online application | June 4, 2012 - CO Allocated
    June 22, 2012 - Medicals Finalized | Aug 30, 2012 - PCCs Completed (PH, UAE, USA)
    Sep 3, 2012 - Visa Granted (IED Jun 11, 2013) Thank You Lord!
    Oct 16-28, 2012 - Initial Entry Completed - Sydney
    July 28, 2013 - Final move to Perth
    Sep 9, 2013 - Started work with the same company i worked for in UAE/USA
    Oct 28, 2013 - Moved to another company.. ;)

  • BoyPintadosBoyPintados Sydney
    Posts: 629Member
    Joined: Jul 03, 2013
    @lock_code2004 binuksan ko nga para e check kung anong topic itong username mo brad... steeeg! ;-)

    Visa 189/190 Tracker (Please click and key in your updates):

    ANZSCO 233111 Chemical Engineer [Visa 189]

    27.APR.2013___IELTS GT Exam - British Council [Result: 10-Points Eligible]
    19.JUL.2013___Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia (EA) via DHL
    16.OCT.2013___Received Notice of Shortcoming (EA) via email
    21.OCT.2013___Responded to EA via email
    26.NOV.2013___Received Positive Assessment Result from EA via snail mail dated 11.Nov.2013 (Praise Jah!)
    03.FEB.2014___EOI Submitted Online [60 points only]
    28.APR.2014___Received Invitation to Lodge Skilled-Independent Permanent Visa Application (Praise Jah!)
    12.JUN.2014___Lodged Visa Application; Uploaded Required Documents / Frontloaded NBI / Police Clearance / Etc.
    05.JUL.2014___Completed Medical Requirements at Nationwide Health (3-5 working days to DIBP)
    12.JUL.2014___Frontloaded Form 80
    17.JUL.2014___Complete Medical Report Uploaded to DIBP: 'Organise your health examinations' was changed to 'No health examinations are required for this person for this visa subclass based on the information provided to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.' (Praise Jah!)
    06.AUG.2014___CO Allocation (Team 23 GSM Adelaide; CO Initials EO) [55 Days From Lodgement] (Praise Jah!)
    18.AUG.2014___Visa Grant (Golden Email Received from new CO: MD) [67 Days From Lodgement] [IED July2015] (Praise Jah!) GOAL! THANK YOU LORD!

    |Padayon| Keep a stronger faith| All is well|

  • heyits7me_magsheyits7me_mags Imus City
    Posts: 599Member
    Joined: Jan 13, 2011
    Calling, calling daw @lock_code, hehehe.

    05/17/11 - ACS favorable result released for my husband's skills assessment nominated job-261311 Analyst Programmer.
    12/10/11 - Hubby IELTS first take at BC result L & R-5.5, W & S-6.0 OBS=6.0 retake!!!
    12/30/11- Hubby registered at 9.0 Niners.
    03/15/14 - Hubby's comeback at 9.0 Niners preparing for IELTS test. Second attempt for Australian visa.
    05/12/14 - Complete uploading of ACS skills assessment required documents and payment made thru direct deposit.
    05/12/14 - ACS assessment application received.
    07/02/14 - ACS skills assessment result suitable ANZCO code 262113 Systems Administrator as recommended by CO for hubby's job description rather than ANZCO 261311 Analyst Programmer the first ACS ANZCO result suitable released in 2011. I conclude ACS reclassifies ICT Occupations.
    - Work exp. 12yrs. less 6yrs deduction by ACS.
    - Educ. Qualification assessed as AQF Associate Degree major in computing for a 4yr. course BS. Computer Science in a section 2 school.

  • paupau29paupau29 Melbourne
    Posts: 74Member
    Joined: Jul 31, 2014
    @lock_code2004 ACTUALLY nacurious nga ako ang cute e!! Ikaw ang thread subject! Hahaha!!

    08/01/2014 - Started gathering documents for ACS
    09/08/2014 - Submitted ACS requirements - 261112 Systems Analyst
    09/09/2014 - ACS Stage 4 (with assessor)
    09/18/2014 - Positive ACS Result!
    09/19/2014 - IELTS IDP Speaking Exam
    09/20/2014 - IELTS IDP Exam
    10/03/2014 - IELTS result L8.5 R8.0 W8.0 S7.5 (Thank you, Lord!)
    10/06/2014 - EOI submission (60 points)
    12/05/2014 - Invite to lodge visa 189.
    12/10/2014 - Medical at Nationwide Health Systems AUX
    12/19/2014 - Clinic submitted medical results to DIBP (Status: Complete)
    01/04/2015 - Submitted Visa 189 application, paid fees
    03/03/2015 - Direct Grant! :D #thankyouLord

    flight to Melbourne: August 29, 2015 :-)

  • paupau29paupau29 Melbourne
    Posts: 74Member
    Joined: Jul 31, 2014
    @heyits7me_mags how much pala ielts review sa niners? i will be taking my ielts on september 20 and i am considering a review center's services.

    08/01/2014 - Started gathering documents for ACS
    09/08/2014 - Submitted ACS requirements - 261112 Systems Analyst
    09/09/2014 - ACS Stage 4 (with assessor)
    09/18/2014 - Positive ACS Result!
    09/19/2014 - IELTS IDP Speaking Exam
    09/20/2014 - IELTS IDP Exam
    10/03/2014 - IELTS result L8.5 R8.0 W8.0 S7.5 (Thank you, Lord!)
    10/06/2014 - EOI submission (60 points)
    12/05/2014 - Invite to lodge visa 189.
    12/10/2014 - Medical at Nationwide Health Systems AUX
    12/19/2014 - Clinic submitted medical results to DIBP (Status: Complete)
    01/04/2015 - Submitted Visa 189 application, paid fees
    03/03/2015 - Direct Grant! :D #thankyouLord

    flight to Melbourne: August 29, 2015 :-)

  • engr_boyengr_boy Sydney
    Posts: 293Member
    Joined: Jan 08, 2012
    edited September 2014
    parang bat signal pala ang username ni sir @lockcode2004. hehe. image he is the hero pinoyau deserves!

    Occupation: Surveyor (ANZSCO 232212)
    07.01.12 - IELTS - British Council - L8.5 R7.0 W9.0 S7.5 OBS 8.0
    15.12.13 - Invited for 189 (Skilled Independent) Visa
    25.12.13 - Lodged 189 Visa
    02.02.14 - CO Allocated Adelaide GSM Team 07
    15.05.14 - Visa Grant - Change of Team (Adelaide Team 6)
    27.10.14 - Initial Entry (Perth)
    16.03.19 - RRV (Return Resident Visa) Subclass 155 - applied and granted automatically!
    25.09.19 - Applied 309/100 Partner Visa for wife
    08.12.20 - Wife 309 Visa Approved!
    Food is a weapon. And there nothing better than danggit. Ask my Aussie housemates.

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