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Posts: 13Member
Joined: May 11, 2012
Just a few comments on the above.
11. Maybe on the ABC? Not sure about all the other stations :-)
15. But get decidedly more exciting after 10pm of a night.
17. Very true. Not a popular thing with our asawas.
18. meter is metre etc etc
21. Yes, best to get this one right if you don't want to spend the night in jail.
22. Yes please. Also the same when I am visiting there. Calling me sir makes me uncomfortable until the day the Queen gives me a knighthood.
26. Most hated if your a guy - along with ghastly reality shows.
29. This only applies on Sunday to Thursday night. Otherwise it is 12pm. I know, the cops have come to a couple of our karaoke nights. LOL
31. That we give away to foreign countries who hate us with very little benefit to ourselves.
33/34. What? Every Filo, Indian and Pacific Islander house here has a Tambo or a Ting Ting.
35. A friend of mine works as an office janitor in Melbourne :-)
36. We have yayas, but in Australia that work has a VERY different meaning - what you cal susu :-) Again, may be best not to confuse them two LOL
Philippine Railway Historical Society
Manila Sunset Convenience Store (Narwee)
Posts: 13Member
Joined: May 11, 2012
Most Chinese people anyway.
All the others seem to do quite fine, well, except the pensioners. :-)
Philippine Railway Historical Society
Manila Sunset Convenience Store (Narwee)
Posts: 13Member
Joined: May 11, 2012
37. Toothpaste is called toothpaste, not Colgate.
38. A butcher will not know what adobo pork is (laughed for half an hour when my cousin asked for that and then argued with butcher).
39. Aussies love to give each other nicknames, some of them very uncomplimentary. This is a sign of affection, not of dislike.
40. Aussies like to take the piss (no, not what you may be thinking). Taking the piss is to have a joke. If an Aussie tells you something that seems very unbelieveable, pretty good chance he is taking the piss.
41. Aussies are not much into hockey (as suggested above), they have very little interest, although many do play. Motor racing would be up there with football type games and cricket.
The best part of here I suppose is the good ol Aussie slang.
Be ready for a lot of it.
Dog and bone = phone
Up the creek without a paddle = in trouble
dogs eye = a pie
Gotta hit the frog and toad = I have got to go home now
China plate = mate
mate = Mostly used towards another guy, but increasingly also towards women. They are not necessarily a friend.
Taking the mickey = making a joke
Thats bollocks = Thats untrue
Thats rubbish = Thats untrue
Get the f*** outa here = Thats untrue
Bloody oath =That is true
Sure as eggs are eggs = This is true
Heck yeah = This is true
Grub = food
Chuck = throw
Chuck = vomit
Chuck = Charlie (persons name)
Take the clapper for some go go juice = Take the car for some petrol
Let cat out of the bag = You just let out a secret.
Cat amongst the pigeons = That secret has got people upset.
Dunny - CR
Bog - CR
Toilet - CR
Outhouse - CR
Little boys room - CR
This is just a very small selection of typical Aussie slang tyou are likely to come across here.
To this day, 14 years on, my wife still is confused by it :-)
Philippine Railway Historical Society
Manila Sunset Convenience Store (Narwee)
Posts: 2,616Member, Moderator
Joined: Jan 13, 2011
I'm not sure kung nabanggit na ng iba pero sa Australia, self-service ang fast food nila. So pagkatapos mo kumain, ikaw rin dapat nagliligpit ng kalat mo. Hay sana gawin din natin sa Pinas yan!