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adelaide room for rent $140/weekly

seb04seb04 adelaidePosts: 37Member
looking for someone who would like to be our housemate here in clearview. single room is available for rent ($140/weekly) which includes utilities (electricity, water n gas) and unlimited wi-fi. ideal for students ang working indivuduals..15mins bus ride going to city and tea tree plaza (bus 203f, 202f, 209) 5 mins walk from house to bus stop..if this interest you pls email me at [email protected] or sms 0435178479.

room is furnished already
3 rooms in the house
you will be living with 3 persons (2 students + 1 working)


  • majarmajar Sydney
    Posts: 49Member
    Joined: Jan 22, 2015
    Hi! I'll be arriving late February 2015 with hubby. Is this still available? Pm me @ [email protected]
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