Ad space available
reach us at [email protected].
Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

July 2018 visa 189/190/489/457



  • jomar011888jomar011888 Philippines
    Posts: 351Member
    Joined: Jun 10, 2017
    hi to all, anyone po na nainvite this round with 65pts? all the best po :)
  • snmgilsnmgil Philippines
    Posts: 80Member
    Joined: Nov 03, 2017
    Pajoin po, kc super saya pala ng feeling. Got my ITA today and lodged din today.

    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED


    ******VISA LODGE******
    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office

    1. @Julio2017 | 190 VIC | 09 July 2018 |
    2. @snmgil |190NSW|11 July 2018|221111

    ***Invitation Received***
    Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received

    1. @irenesky l 489 QLD l 65+10 l 233914 l 04 July 2018
    2. @adamwarlock | 189 | 75 | 263311 | 10 July 2018
    3. @Pixiepie 189 | 75 | 233513 | 10 July 2018

    *******EOI LODGE*******

    Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date

    1. @fromSGtoAU | 489 qld | 55+10 | 133111 | 03 July 2018
    2. @happymissus | 189, 190 NSW | 65, 65+5 | 254499 | 30 Oct 2017, 10 Feb 2018
    3. @JohndAU | 189, 489 NSW, QLD | 75, 75+10 | 221111 | 02 July 2018
    4. @Pandabelle0405 | 189, 190 NSW ,VIC, 489 | 65, 65+5, 70+5 | 233211| 02 March 2018, 09 April 2018, 09 July 2018
    5. @Hendro |190 NSW, SA| 65+5|311411| 01 July 2018 , 08 July 2018
    6. @Drickster | 489 SA | 65+10 | 311213 | 05 July 2018, 06 July 2018 (paid)
    7. @barbedwire | 189, 190 VIC | 75, 75+5 | 263111 | 10 July 2018 :)

    ANZSCO Code: 221111 Accountant (General)
    August 2016 - IELTS-GT (Proficient)
    May 2017 - Failed VETASSESS assessment
    August 2017 - IELTS-Acad (Proficient)
    November 2017 - Positive CPAA Skills Assessment
    November 18, 2017 - 189/190 NSW EOI (70 pts)
    March 2018 - PTE Acad (Superior), updated EOI w/ increased points without SS to 80
    April 12, 2018 - Invitation for NSW SS (pre-invite)
    May 2018 - Points decreased to 75 due to bday
    July 11, 2018 - Approval of SS/ Received ITA for 190/Lodged Visa
    November 23, 2018 - CO Contact (Form 80, Proof re Education and Employment)
    November 27, 2018 - Submitted Requested docs
    January 17, 2019 - VISA GRANT!

    Always trust in His timing and faithfulness

  • MiaMia NZ
    Posts: 324Member
    Joined: Oct 27, 2011
    edited July 2018
    @Drickster "Available" pa ba siya nung lumabas sa list nung 05/7/18? Naging low availability siya kahapon :))) Tapos special conditions na ngayon
  • ireneskyirenesky Queensland
    Posts: 165Member
    Joined: Aug 29, 2017
    @adamwarlock @Pixiepie congrats po :) @jomar011888 yea try to consider narin po ang 489, I'll try parin to take PTE aiming for superior baka sakali na makahabol pa ng 189

    Engineering Technologist -ANZSCO 233914

    19.11.2016 - IELTS - competent
    01.07.2017 - Submitted fast track EA assessment.
    11.07.2017 - EA Asked for additional documents
    31.07.2017 - Positive MSA
    16.08.2017 - Submitted EOI to NSW 90 (60 pts)
    09.01.2018 - PTE- proficient
    11.01.2018 - Updated EOI 189 (65pts) /NSW190 (70pts)
    09.02.2018 -Submitted nomination application to VIC (70 pts)
    02.07.2018- Submitted EOI to QLD 489 (75 pts)
    04.07.2018- Received ITA from QLD
    01.09.2018 - Lodged Visa
    07.11.2018 - CO contact
    21.01.2019 - 2nd CO contact
    01.04.2019 - Granted "Thank you Lord"
    18.08.2019 - Big move
    11.11.2019 - Got a job
    09.09.2021 - Lodged visa 887
    21.12.2022 -CO contact
    09.01.2023 -Submitted requested documents
    Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.... Joyce Meyer

  • cyborg5cyborg5 Australia
    Posts: 283Member
    Joined: Apr 08, 2018
    so merong 189 invite round na nangyari today?

    The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful.

  • DricksterDrickster Adelaide, SA
    Posts: 131Member
    Joined: Jul 10, 2018
    @Mia Yep, available status talaga siya nung lumabas. Matagal namin hinintay may magopen. I believe MLT ka din?
  • jomar011888jomar011888 Philippines
    Posts: 351Member
    Joined: Jun 10, 2017
    @irenesky yes po 489 lang ako ngaung eligible with 65pts (including family sponsored pts). hayz sana next round makasingit. Ngaun ko nararamdaman panghihinayang sa naexpired na 489 ITA ko :(
  • PixiepiePixiepie Melbourne
    Posts: 309Member
    Joined: May 25, 2018
    edited July 2018
    Guys, ask lng po para sa mga nag DIY sa Visa lodge, ano po yung steps? For my case po na under agent, as expected, payment po agad hinihingi plus additl docs like Form 80, NBI clrnce, while for family members, NSO certs, medium of inst, passport, diploma, NBI clnce TOR.

    Kelan po kaya ang medical? Pede po kaya gawin ito before payment?
  • alexisronanalexisronan SG
    Posts: 44Member
    Joined: Jan 21, 2018
    edited July 2018

    Meron sir. Usually tuesday 10pm Philippine time ang release ng invitations.

    233211 - Civil Engineer

    SC189: 80

    03-03-2018: IELTS (Proficient)
    28-03-2018: EA MSA/RSEA (fast track)
    15-05-2018: EA comments
    17-05-2018: Reply to EA comments
    18-05-2018: EA MSA Positive Assessment
    24-05-2018: PTE-A (Superior)
    25-05-2018: EOI
    06-06-2018: ITA (189)
    07-06-2018: Visa Lodged (partner & 1 dependent)
    13-06-2018: SG COC uploaded
    23-06-2018: All Health examinations provided
    27-06-2018: NBI Clearance uploaded
    15-09-2018: Visa Grant

  • cyborg5cyborg5 Australia
    Posts: 283Member
    Joined: Apr 08, 2018
    Thanks @alexisronan

    The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful.

  • zirkozirko Philippines
    Posts: 226Member
    Joined: May 02, 2018
    Hello everyone! :)

    I had been a lurker here for quite some time.

    This is my first post :)

    ******VISA LODGE******
    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office

    1. @Julio2017 | 190 VIC | 09 July 2018 |
    2. @snmgil |190NSW|11 July 2018|221111

    ***Invitation Received***
    Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received

    1. @irenesky l 489 QLD l 65+10 l 233914 l 04 July 2018
    2. @adamwarlock | 189 | 75 | 263311 | 10 July 2018
    3. @Pixiepie 189 | 75 | 233513 | 10 July 2018

    *******EOI LODGE*******

    Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date

    1. @fromSGtoAU | 489 qld | 55+10 | 133111 | 03 July 2018
    2. @happymissus | 189, 190 NSW | 65, 65+5 | 254499 | 30 Oct 2017, 10 Feb 2018
    3. @JohndAU | 189, 489 NSW, QLD | 75, 75+10 | 221111 | 02 July 2018
    4. @Pandabelle0405 | 189, 190 NSW ,VIC, 489 | 65, 65+5, 70+5 | 233211| 02 March 2018, 09 April 2018, 09 July 2018
    5. @Hendro |190 NSW, SA| 65+5|311411| 01 July 2018 , 08 July 2018
    6. @Drickster | 489 SA | 65+10 | 311213 | 05 July 2018, 06 July 2018 (paid)
    7. @barbedwire | 189, 190 VIC | 75, 75+5 | 263111 | 10 July 2018
    8. @zirko | 189 | 75 | 233915 | 11 July 2018

    233915 Environmental Engineer | 189 | Age: 25 pts | Education: 15 pts | Experience: 15 pts | English: 20 pts | Total: 75 pts

    11|04|18 - PTE-A L|R|S|W (77|90|90|79)
    18|04|18 - Started CDR
    23|04|18 - PTE-A L|R|S|W (87|90|90|90)
    01|05|18 - Registered with pinoyau
    07|06|18 - Lodged CDR + RSEA + Fast Track
    06|07|18 - EA assessor contact for further evidences
    10|07|18 - Received positive EA results + all years claimed
    11|07|18 - Lodged EOI 189
    10|10|18 - Invited
    10|12|18 - Invitation expired
    10|12|18 - Re-Invited
    03|02|19 - Lodge Visa 189
    16|03|19 - Medicals started
    26|03|19 - Medicals concluded
    29|03|19 - Medicals forwarded by clinic
    31|03|19 - Medicals cleared
    13|04|19 - CO contact for a frontloaded form
    13|04|19 - Requested form attached again
    13|04|19 - Left feedback
    23|04|19 - Visa grant
    22|08|19 - Initial Entry
    12|08|20 - BIG MOVE


  • happymissushappymissus Posts: 39Member
    Joined: Mar 27, 2018
    Hi @snmgil :) how many points po kayo sa 190 and when did u send your EOI po? Thanks.
  • snmgilsnmgil Philippines
    Posts: 80Member
    Joined: Nov 03, 2017
    @happymissus Nasa 80 nlng ako including SS by the time i received the ITA. But original EOI was lodged in Nov 2017, got Superior PTE in March kaya naging 80 then received invitation to apply for SS in April 2018. Pero by may bumaba na ulit by 5 points kc nag-bday. but fortunately still received the ITA july lng. Nasa signature ang timeline pra clearer?

    ANZSCO Code: 221111 Accountant (General)
    August 2016 - IELTS-GT (Proficient)
    May 2017 - Failed VETASSESS assessment
    August 2017 - IELTS-Acad (Proficient)
    November 2017 - Positive CPAA Skills Assessment
    November 18, 2017 - 189/190 NSW EOI (70 pts)
    March 2018 - PTE Acad (Superior), updated EOI w/ increased points without SS to 80
    April 12, 2018 - Invitation for NSW SS (pre-invite)
    May 2018 - Points decreased to 75 due to bday
    July 11, 2018 - Approval of SS/ Received ITA for 190/Lodged Visa
    November 23, 2018 - CO Contact (Form 80, Proof re Education and Employment)
    November 27, 2018 - Submitted Requested docs
    January 17, 2019 - VISA GRANT!

    Always trust in His timing and faithfulness

  • MiaMia NZ
    Posts: 324Member
    Joined: Oct 27, 2011
    @Drickster Hello, hindi ako yung MLT, partner ko. Mag-aabang na lang ako sa application mo hehe, di na kasi siya qualified, di na recent ang experience niya
  • adamwarlockadamwarlock Singapore
    Posts: 112Member
    Joined: May 10, 2018
    Hi guys, sa mga nag front-load na ng documents/naglodge na, any requirement sa scanned documents like sa EA (at least 300 dpi)? Or basta clear copy and colored ok na? TIA :)

    263311 Telecommunications Engineer : 189 - 75pts, 190 - 80 pts (NSW)
    (IELTS-GT: L9/R9/S7.5/W7, PTE-A: L90/R90/S90/W90)

    13/11/2017 - MSA CDR Submitted to EA
    01/12/2017 - MSA outcome letter received
    01/12/2017 - EOI Lodged: 65/70 pts (based on previous IELTS result, competent - 10 pts)
    12/06/2018 - PTE-A: L90/R90/S90/W90
    13/06/2018 - Update EOI: 75/80 pts
    10/07/2018 - ITA received
    17/07/2018 - Medical Exams (SATA Bedok, Singapore)
    - TB screening for our 2yr old @ Quest Labs, Paragon (est. result, 2 weeks)
    18/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for wife
    19/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for me
    21/07/2018 - Lodged Visa Application, uploaded all documents
    23/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for our 2yr old
    27/07/2018 - Singapore Police COC appointment, uploaded COC to ImmiAccount

    And so it begins.

    12/12/2018 - Direct Grant!

    Thank you Lord for the new beginning :)

  • VirGlySylVirGlySyl Ph
    Posts: 327Member
    Joined: Nov 11, 2016
    edited July 2018
    xreply, kala ko sa EA lang
    Good Luck ^_^

    | IE 233511 | A:30 (until Dec31)| ELA:10 | Q:15 | OWE:15 | = 70

  • gibo43gibo43 Morphett Vale, SA
    Posts: 318Member
    Joined: Oct 19, 2016
    @adamwarlock minimum 300dpi yung color scanned documents

    ANZSCO 233513 | Production or Plant Engineer | Age :25, Education: 15, Employment: 15, PTE: 20| Total points = 75

    10.01.2016 | Interest in OZ migration ignited!
    03.03.2018 | Started PTE review through CEVAS (10 sessions).
    05.15.2018 | PTE A Test : LRSW|79/86/83/86
    06.06.2018 | Lodged EA Assessment.
    08.28.2018 | Received positive results from EA (wew)! All experiences credited.
    08.28.2018 | Lodged EOI for visa 189.
    09.10.2018 | Invitation to Apply (ITA) received.
    09.27.2018 | Lodged visa.
    10.08.2018 | Medical for dependents (no action required).
    10.22.2018 | Medical for main applicant (no action required).
    12.17.2018 | IMMI Assessment Commence Letter Received.
    12.19.2018 | Grant finally! ^_^

  • adamwarlockadamwarlock Singapore
    Posts: 112Member
    Joined: May 10, 2018
    Hehe, no problem @VirGlySyl thanks.
    thanks din @gibo43

    263311 Telecommunications Engineer : 189 - 75pts, 190 - 80 pts (NSW)
    (IELTS-GT: L9/R9/S7.5/W7, PTE-A: L90/R90/S90/W90)

    13/11/2017 - MSA CDR Submitted to EA
    01/12/2017 - MSA outcome letter received
    01/12/2017 - EOI Lodged: 65/70 pts (based on previous IELTS result, competent - 10 pts)
    12/06/2018 - PTE-A: L90/R90/S90/W90
    13/06/2018 - Update EOI: 75/80 pts
    10/07/2018 - ITA received
    17/07/2018 - Medical Exams (SATA Bedok, Singapore)
    - TB screening for our 2yr old @ Quest Labs, Paragon (est. result, 2 weeks)
    18/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for wife
    19/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for me
    21/07/2018 - Lodged Visa Application, uploaded all documents
    23/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for our 2yr old
    27/07/2018 - Singapore Police COC appointment, uploaded COC to ImmiAccount

    And so it begins.

    12/12/2018 - Direct Grant!

    Thank you Lord for the new beginning :)

  • argelfloresargelflores singapore
    Posts: 124Member
    Joined: Oct 02, 2016
    Kelan next round of nvite

    Nominated - Developer Programmer Programmer
    07/27/2016 - Submitted ACS Assessment
    08/05/2016 - ACS Suitable - 261312 ANZSCO Code (AQF Diploma)
    09/10/2016 - IELTS Examination
    09/22/2016 - IELTS Results (L:5 R:7 W:6 S:6.5 OBS:6 )
    10/07/2016 - IELTS Speaking Test
    10/08/2016 - IELTS Writing Test
    10/21/2016 - IELTS Results (L:6.5 R:5.5 W:5.5 S:6.5 OBS:6 )
    10/22/2016 - PTE A Exam
    10/24/2016 - PTE Results (L:68 R:62 W:63 S:90 OS:66 )
    12/30/2016 - PTE A Exam
    12/31/2016 - PTE Results (L:74 R:62 W:67 S:90 OS:68)
    03/04/2017 - PTE Exam
    03/05/2017 _ PTE Results (L:68 R:63 W:61 S:90 OS:67)
    08/07/2017 - PTE Exam
    08/08/2017 - PTE Exam Results (L:74 R:69 W:68 S:82 OS:72)
    08/10/2017 - EOI Lodge Visa 190 both for NSW and VIC (60
    07/10/2018 - EOI Lodge Visa 489 for VIC (55+10)
    8/11/2018 - PTE Exam
    8/14/2018 - PTE Results (L:69 R:69 W:60 S:86 OS: 69)
    9/8/2018 - PTE Exam

  • jomar011888jomar011888 Philippines
    Posts: 351Member
    Joined: Jun 10, 2017
    @argelflores sa 25 un base sa last imvi round
  • milktea13milktea13 Philippines
    Posts: 294Member
    Joined: Jun 26, 2018
    @jomar011888 san po site nakikita yung invitation rounds?
  • ireneskyirenesky Queensland
    Posts: 165Member
    Joined: Aug 29, 2017

    Engineering Technologist -ANZSCO 233914

    19.11.2016 - IELTS - competent
    01.07.2017 - Submitted fast track EA assessment.
    11.07.2017 - EA Asked for additional documents
    31.07.2017 - Positive MSA
    16.08.2017 - Submitted EOI to NSW 90 (60 pts)
    09.01.2018 - PTE- proficient
    11.01.2018 - Updated EOI 189 (65pts) /NSW190 (70pts)
    09.02.2018 -Submitted nomination application to VIC (70 pts)
    02.07.2018- Submitted EOI to QLD 489 (75 pts)
    04.07.2018- Received ITA from QLD
    01.09.2018 - Lodged Visa
    07.11.2018 - CO contact
    21.01.2019 - 2nd CO contact
    01.04.2019 - Granted "Thank you Lord"
    18.08.2019 - Big move
    11.11.2019 - Got a job
    09.09.2021 - Lodged visa 887
    21.12.2022 -CO contact
    09.01.2023 -Submitted requested documents
    Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.... Joyce Meyer

  • cp101030cp101030 singapore
    Posts: 105Member
    Joined: Oct 23, 2016
    Hi Guys, getting down na lately. My mga nkakuha po b ng invite for visa 190 with anzcode 261313? nging 75 pts kmi last may pero november 2017 p tlga kmi nglodge ng EOI kso till now wala p dn. prng ang bgal bgal ng invitation. my chance p po kaya yang score n yan? thanks po. thinking of canada or nz na.
  • zirkozirko Philippines
    Posts: 226Member
    Joined: May 02, 2018
    @cp101030 Just basing on immitracker, cut-off EOI date of effect for latest state-invited 261313 @ 75 points is May 7, 2018.

    233915 Environmental Engineer | 189 | Age: 25 pts | Education: 15 pts | Experience: 15 pts | English: 20 pts | Total: 75 pts

    11|04|18 - PTE-A L|R|S|W (77|90|90|79)
    18|04|18 - Started CDR
    23|04|18 - PTE-A L|R|S|W (87|90|90|90)
    01|05|18 - Registered with pinoyau
    07|06|18 - Lodged CDR + RSEA + Fast Track
    06|07|18 - EA assessor contact for further evidences
    10|07|18 - Received positive EA results + all years claimed
    11|07|18 - Lodged EOI 189
    10|10|18 - Invited
    10|12|18 - Invitation expired
    10|12|18 - Re-Invited
    03|02|19 - Lodge Visa 189
    16|03|19 - Medicals started
    26|03|19 - Medicals concluded
    29|03|19 - Medicals forwarded by clinic
    31|03|19 - Medicals cleared
    13|04|19 - CO contact for a frontloaded form
    13|04|19 - Requested form attached again
    13|04|19 - Left feedback
    23|04|19 - Visa grant
    22|08|19 - Initial Entry
    12|08|20 - BIG MOVE


  • GrifterGrifter Posts: 458Member
    Joined: Oct 19, 2016
    edited July 2018
    @cp101030 hello po. Nakita ko to sa kabilang forum,

    Hi Seniors,

    With 65 points as Software Engineer (ANZSCO :261313), EOI logged on 06/Nov/2017 for 189, do you think I have any chance to get an invite in the second round of August 2018?


    No chances at all, even if they ramp up invites massively it will take a while.

    As far as I'm aware the backlog of 65 pointers goes back to April 2017, so there's 7 months worth of 65 pointers to be cleared before you. That's not counting the 9 months backlog of 70 pointers and the 3 months backlog of 75 pointers that will have to also be invited before you - that's in total 19 months worth of EOIs to be cleared before you stand a chance.

    Alternately, naglabas na po si iscah ng estimates nila for invitation, pwd nyo dn po check dun.
    Konting tiis pa po... All the best!
  • leadmeleadme Posts: 282Member
    Joined: Jan 12, 2018
    Hi! Concerning ISCAH's estimates, how accurate are those? They forecasted 65 pointers submitted 6 months ago to get an invite in 1 month. I hope this will be the case. I submitted mine on 27 Nov 2017 | 189 |65 points| 233111 chemical engineer. Thanks!

    Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
    11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
    27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
    22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
    23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
    30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
    31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
    31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
    10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
    24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
    29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
    02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
    01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!

    “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10

  • snmgilsnmgil Philippines
    Posts: 80Member
    Joined: Nov 03, 2017
    Hi all. May i ask when do you generally/recommend that we undertake the medical exams? do we wait for CO advice or submit and upload it na asap after lodging?

    ANZSCO Code: 221111 Accountant (General)
    August 2016 - IELTS-GT (Proficient)
    May 2017 - Failed VETASSESS assessment
    August 2017 - IELTS-Acad (Proficient)
    November 2017 - Positive CPAA Skills Assessment
    November 18, 2017 - 189/190 NSW EOI (70 pts)
    March 2018 - PTE Acad (Superior), updated EOI w/ increased points without SS to 80
    April 12, 2018 - Invitation for NSW SS (pre-invite)
    May 2018 - Points decreased to 75 due to bday
    July 11, 2018 - Approval of SS/ Received ITA for 190/Lodged Visa
    November 23, 2018 - CO Contact (Form 80, Proof re Education and Employment)
    November 27, 2018 - Submitted Requested docs
    January 17, 2019 - VISA GRANT!

    Always trust in His timing and faithfulness

  • Pandabelle0405Pandabelle0405 Singapore
    Posts: 691Member
    Joined: Aug 16, 2017
    @leadme hello po i saw the news from iscah hoping din po kami april 9 pa kami ng lodge 65pts 233211 civil eng accd to them estimated is 3 months more sana nga po totoo ito noh. Dasal lng po
  • Pandabelle0405Pandabelle0405 Singapore
    Posts: 691Member
    Joined: Aug 16, 2017
    Pero kung madami pa backlog from last year option is stick to 190 or 489.
  • leadmeleadme Posts: 282Member
    Joined: Jan 12, 2018
    edited July 2018
    @Pandabelle0405 Not sure, but I think they accounted the backlogs too. Let's just hope that it's accurate and the assumptions made are correct. Unfortunately, I have no other options aside from 189. I'm thinking of preparing for PTE to increase my points while waiting for that 1 month. Haven't tried it. Yup, let's pray for each other! God bless! :)

    Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
    11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
    27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
    22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
    23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
    30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
    31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
    31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
    10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
    24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
    29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
    02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
    01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!

    “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10

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