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reach us at [email protected].
Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

NEWS: Migrants banned from Sydney, Melbourne and south-east Queensland.

engr_boyengr_boy SydneyPosts: 293Member

Occupation: Surveyor (ANZSCO 232212)
07.01.12 - IELTS - British Council - L8.5 R7.0 W9.0 S7.5 OBS 8.0
15.12.13 - Invited for 189 (Skilled Independent) Visa
25.12.13 - Lodged 189 Visa
02.02.14 - CO Allocated Adelaide GSM Team 07
15.05.14 - Visa Grant - Change of Team (Adelaide Team 6)
27.10.14 - Initial Entry (Perth)
16.03.19 - RRV (Return Resident Visa) Subclass 155 - applied and granted automatically!
25.09.19 - Applied 309/100 Partner Visa for wife
08.12.20 - Wife 309 Visa Approved!
Food is a weapon. And there nothing better than danggit. Ask my Aussie housemates.


  • engr_boyengr_boy Sydney
    Posts: 293Member
    Joined: Jan 08, 2012
    ayon sa news, apektado dito yung mga walang work at family ties sa nasabing major cities. around 45% daw ng incoming new migrants will be forced to stay sa regional areas up to 5 years, if their plans push through.

    Occupation: Surveyor (ANZSCO 232212)
    07.01.12 - IELTS - British Council - L8.5 R7.0 W9.0 S7.5 OBS 8.0
    15.12.13 - Invited for 189 (Skilled Independent) Visa
    25.12.13 - Lodged 189 Visa
    02.02.14 - CO Allocated Adelaide GSM Team 07
    15.05.14 - Visa Grant - Change of Team (Adelaide Team 6)
    27.10.14 - Initial Entry (Perth)
    16.03.19 - RRV (Return Resident Visa) Subclass 155 - applied and granted automatically!
    25.09.19 - Applied 309/100 Partner Visa for wife
    08.12.20 - Wife 309 Visa Approved!
    Food is a weapon. And there nothing better than danggit. Ask my Aussie housemates.

  • kuberakubera ph
    Posts: 44Member
    Joined: May 14, 2017
    Holy shit!
  • kuberakubera ph
    Posts: 44Member
    Joined: May 14, 2017
    This will be for new PRs?
  • agentKamsagentKams Toowoomba
    Posts: 861Member
    Joined: Apr 25, 2014
    hindi pa po iyan implemented, but they are keen on doing this. idedevelop din naman nila ang mga regional areas, ang nagaallot na sila ng budget for that.

    Timeline: Student Visa Subclass 573 (Masters)
    06 July 2015: Visa Grant
    April 2018: Uni Graduation

    Timeline: Permanent Visa (189) Accountant 221111
    18 April 2018: ITA received - Visa 189
    04 May 2018 : Lodged Visa Application - Visa 189
    29 Aug 2018 - First CO Contact - PCC Qatar (partner)
    9 Jan 2019 - 2nd CO Contact - penal waiver
    18 Jan 2019 - Updated immiaccount with penal waiver
    29 Jan 2019 - Forwarded PCC to gsm.allocated email
    8 Feb 2019 - Visa Grant - Finally!!

    Timeline: Citizenship
    July 2020: Application lodgment
    May 2021: Citizenship Exam
    Feb 2022: Oi! Oi! Oi! Aussie na din sa wakas!

  • fruitysfruitys Brisbane
    Posts: 83Member
    Joined: Apr 13, 2018
    Headline: "banned"
    Article text: "would be banned"

    PerthNow is a News Corp rag, aka one of Murdoch's clickbait scaremongering tabloids slash "news"

    I'll believe it when it shows up on ABC or SBS. Immigration is always in the local news.
    IMO keep applying and ignore the noise.

    SI 189 - Software Engineer - 261313 (80 pts)

    -- offshore --
    11-Oct-2017 - ACS (ICT major, 8+ years)
    18-Oct-2017 - PTE (90)
    19-Oct-2017 - EOI
    09-Nov-2017 - Invited
    06-Feb-2018 - Grant
    13-Feb-2018 - PDOS
    -- onshore --
    02-Jun-2018 - Initial entry
    04-Jun-2018 - TFN, Medicare, MyGov
    05-Jun-2018 - Start job hunting
    25-Jun-2018 - Driver licence
    26-Jul-2018 - Opened super
    30-Jul-2018 - Job 1 start - permie - $
    12-Feb-2021 - Job 1 end (redundancy)
    22-Feb-2021 - Job 2 start - contract - $$$

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