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reach us at [email protected].
Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

Employer Sponsored Thread FY 2024 _2025 Discussion Group

OzdrimsOzdrims SingaporePosts: 1,625Member, Moderator
edited June 2024 in Working and skilled visas

With the recent FY Budget Announcement, the allotment for Employer Sponsored visas were at 44,000 and are subject to an employer nominating the applicant - many from which are onshore from e.g. Students after graduating and gotten a job and switch, those who are working onshore then switch and very few from offshore.

With the changes bound to be announced this coming end of the year
I thought of arranging a separate group for hopefuls eyeing for this visa.

Changes means opportunities

ANZSCO 233211 Civil Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 05 (Competent English) |NAATI: 05 |State :05
SC190 NSW = 90
17 Apr 2023: Took PTE Exam: Superior
29 May 2023: Spouse PTE Exam: Competent
15 May 2023: Submitted relevant employment docs, work pass and DRAFT CDR to agent
29 May 2023: Agent submitted EA MSA CDR + RSEA to Engineers Australia
8 July 2023: EA MSA CDR + RSEA result: Suitable for migration
26 July 2023: took the NAATI CCL
13 Aug 2023: results out for NAATI exam
15 Aug 2023: Agent updated EOI for CCL points (+5)
13 Sep 2023: Agent created EOI for SC 190 NSW
02 Nov 2023: Pre-invited by NSW
06 Nov 2023: Nomination submitted to NSW
09 Nov 2023: Nomination application approved & ITA received
29 Nov 2023: Visa lodgment and medicals booked
11 Dec 2023: Medicals completed
11 October 2024: started the renewal of PCC /COC/NBI clearances SG and PH for both of us
14 November 2024: Updated COCs for both of us and wife's NBI cert to IMMI through agent
4 December 2024: I updated my NBI certificate by myself

*Last week of January 2025 started processing of November 23 LODGEMENTS!!

xx-xx-xx - Visa GRANT



  • MidnightPanda12MidnightPanda12 Philippines
    Posts: 252Member
    Joined: May 23, 2020

    There are really few individuals who get invited this way. I hope that companies would start considering employer sponsored enmasse for priority occupations so non priority occupations can get a chance on other visas.


    DIY Journey. ✈️🇦🇺🦘 soooon
    Nominated Occupation > Agricultural Engineer

    Points Breakdown

    Age - 30 points | English - Superior 20 points| Qualifications (BS) - 15 points | Experience (8 yrs +) - 15 points | Single - 10 points = TOTAL POINTS > SC189 - 90 points; > SC190 - 95 points; SC491 - 105 points


    08.01.2023 - Started CDR Preparation
    08.25.2023 - Completed CDR/ CPD/ SS
    09.01.2023 - Start PTE Exam Preparation
    09.23.2023 - PTE Exam Proper
    09.23.2023 - PTE Result > L - 88 | R - 90 | S - 90 | W - 79 > Superior - 1 take only
    09.27.2023 - EA Skills Assessment Initial Document Upload (found some inconsistencies with date, had to postpone submission)
    09.28.2023 - EA Skills Assessment Submitted, RSEA + Fast Track
    10.18.2023 - EA Skills Assessment in Progress update
    11.08.2023 - EA Skills Assessment Outcome - POSITIVE with 6 yrs + RSEA
    11.08.2023 - Immediately Submitted EOI for SC 189 with 85 points
    11.09.2023 - Submitted EOI / ROI for SC190 with 90 points for NSW/ VIC/ SA

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2024

    01.09.2024 - Submitted EOI for SC 491 for NSW with 100 points
    01.19.2024 - Edited All EOIs for SC 189/190/491 to reflect new position in work
    01.24.2024 - Withdrawn EOI 190 / ROI for SA, Resubmitted EOI 491 / ROI for SA
    07.25.2024 - Updated All EOIs for SC 189/190/491 to reflect promotion in work
    09.30.2024 - Booked NAATI Exam for extra +5 points (scheduled at 11.13.2024)
    10.08.2024 - INCREASE IN POINTS - 8 years working experience +5 points baby; EOI’s recalculated for SC189, SC190 - NSW/QLD, SC491 - VIC/ SA/ NSW/ QLD
    11.07.2024 - Invited to Apply - SC 189 ; Cancelled NAATI Exam.

    Received my invitation to apply exactly 365 days (leap year) after I submitted my EOI.

    11.09.2024 - LODGED - Visa Application for SC 189 🇦🇺
    11.09.2024 - Withdrawn all other EOIs (NSW/VIC/SA/QLD). EOI of SC189 is now LOCKED.
    11.18.2024 - Immigration Medical Exam at St. Lukes Extension Clinic BGC
    11.19.2024 - Attached Joint Affidavit of Two Disinterested Person for Birth Certificate Clerical Error re: Mother’s First Name
    11.19.2024 - Health Clearance Provided - No further actions required
    02.10.2025 - VISA GRANTED (no S56, direct grant) 🏆


    13.02.2025 - Job Hunt Begins ⛏️🌾
    17.02.2025 - Completed PDOS and acquired CFO Certificate
    xx.xx.2025 - BIG MOVE ✈️

  • OzdrimsOzdrims Singapore
    Posts: 1,625Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jul 09, 2019

    In the order of priority under MD 105, as long as you’re being sponsored for 186 to live and work in a regional area by a regional employer , your application is a top priority for processing above Health and Teaching occupations 👆🏻🌅

    ANZSCO 233211 Civil Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 05 (Competent English) |NAATI: 05 |State :05
    SC190 NSW = 90
    17 Apr 2023: Took PTE Exam: Superior
    29 May 2023: Spouse PTE Exam: Competent
    15 May 2023: Submitted relevant employment docs, work pass and DRAFT CDR to agent
    29 May 2023: Agent submitted EA MSA CDR + RSEA to Engineers Australia
    8 July 2023: EA MSA CDR + RSEA result: Suitable for migration
    26 July 2023: took the NAATI CCL
    13 Aug 2023: results out for NAATI exam
    15 Aug 2023: Agent updated EOI for CCL points (+5)
    13 Sep 2023: Agent created EOI for SC 190 NSW
    02 Nov 2023: Pre-invited by NSW
    06 Nov 2023: Nomination submitted to NSW
    09 Nov 2023: Nomination application approved & ITA received
    29 Nov 2023: Visa lodgment and medicals booked
    11 Dec 2023: Medicals completed
    11 October 2024: started the renewal of PCC /COC/NBI clearances SG and PH for both of us
    14 November 2024: Updated COCs for both of us and wife's NBI cert to IMMI through agent
    4 December 2024: I updated my NBI certificate by myself

    *Last week of January 2025 started processing of November 23 LODGEMENTS!!

    xx-xx-xx - Visa GRANT

  • Jco15Jco15 Posts: 117Member
    Joined: Nov 13, 2022

    Hello! I'm currently in VIC with Tourist Visa. Is it possible for me also to have employer sponsorship? I'm a Mechanical Engineer with Positive Outcome from EA. Thanks!

    Nominated Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
    ANZSCO Code: 233512

  • baikenbaiken QLD
    Posts: 461Member
    Joined: Feb 23, 2018

    @Jco15 said:
    Hello! I'm currently in VIC with Tourist Visa. Is it possible for me also to have employer sponsorship? I'm a Mechanical Engineer with Positive Outcome from EA. Thanks!

    i believe it depends on the Conditions of your visa, if it has the "No Further Stay" clause, that is going to be a bit trickier...

    better to check with a migration agent/lawyer to get legal advise on these kinds of things :) just for your peace of mind...

    all the best!

    God Bless!


    263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 25 | Education: 15 | English: 20 | Experience: 10 | PY: 5 | CCL: 5
    Total: 80/85 on Visa 189/190 Respectively

    23.02.2018 | Signed up for the forum. Started gathering Documents and Reviewing for IELTS.
    01.06.2018 | Company offered to provide 482 Visa, GRABBED IT!!!
    15.10.2018 | 482 Visa Lodged
    13.11.2018 | 482 Visa Granted
    POEA Processing = took me almost a year to get all documents in place.

    07.06.2019 | Finally the BM!!!
    01.10.2019 | Started to review for PTE, aiming for Superior scores!
    23.02.2020 | PTE Mock Test = L=68/R=64/S=90/W=77
    29.02.2020 | PTE Test = L=90/R=85/S=90/W=85 - Got SUPERIOR on the 1st try! Thank You Lord!!!
    01.03.2020 | EOI Lodged for Visa 189/190 NSW (80/85)
    10.06.2020 | EOI Updated due to PY point addition (80/85)
    24.09.2020 | EOI Updated due to Passing NAATI CCL (85/90)
    10.05.2021 | Pursuing 186 (DE) - Thank God for His Favour!!!
    11.03.2022 | Visa 186 (DE) - Nomination and Visa Application Lodged... Now the waiting begins...
    14.01.2023 | Visa 186 (DE) - GRANTED!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!

    Citizenship Timeline:
    22.01.2024 | Citizenship Application made online. THANK YOU LORD!!!
    27.02.2024 | Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter Received
    11.04.2024 | Citizenship Test passed @ 100%!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    11.07.2024 | Citizenship Approval!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    29.10.2024 | Citizenship Invite Received
    30.11.2024 | FINALLY A CITIZEN!!!! THANK YOU LORD INDEED!!! that was quite a journey!!!

    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  • Jco15Jco15 Posts: 117Member
    Joined: Nov 13, 2022

    @baiken said:

    @Jco15 said:
    Hello! I'm currently in VIC with Tourist Visa. Is it possible for me also to have employer sponsorship? I'm a Mechanical Engineer with Positive Outcome from EA. Thanks!

    i believe it depends on the Conditions of your visa, if it has the "No Further Stay" clause, that is going to be a bit trickier...

    better to check with a migration agent/lawyer to get legal advise on these kinds of things :) just for your peace of mind...

    all the best!

    God Bless!

    Upon checking my VEVO, here are the only visa conditions.

    Nominated Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
    ANZSCO Code: 233512

  • baikenbaiken QLD
    Posts: 461Member
    Joined: Feb 23, 2018

    @Jco15 said:

    @baiken said:

    @Jco15 said:
    Hello! I'm currently in VIC with Tourist Visa. Is it possible for me also to have employer sponsorship? I'm a Mechanical Engineer with Positive Outcome from EA. Thanks!

    i believe it depends on the Conditions of your visa, if it has the "No Further Stay" clause, that is going to be a bit trickier...

    better to check with a migration agent/lawyer to get legal advise on these kinds of things :) just for your peace of mind...

    all the best!

    God Bless!

    Upon checking my VEVO, here are the only visa conditions.

    if this is the case, it will be best to consult with a migration agent/lawyer regarding the best options for you, especially if you are able to find a job while here in AU on a tourist visa, please be mindful though, not all employers are more than willing to go the extra mile to find out how this all works, the legalities and such of hiring somebody who has no "full-rights" when it comes to working, medyo matrabahong proseso lalo na para sa employer, and magastos :(

    i highly suggest you do your research, currently, napakaraming changes ang nangyayari sa immigration and what may have been applicable the past few years for us/me when it comes to securing a job here in AU, may not be the same nowadays, thus the reason we need to do research, or hire an expert for it :)

    highly rated for me si mam @RheaMARN1171933, but they may really be super busy nowadays


    all the best po and God bless on your journey!


    263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 25 | Education: 15 | English: 20 | Experience: 10 | PY: 5 | CCL: 5
    Total: 80/85 on Visa 189/190 Respectively

    23.02.2018 | Signed up for the forum. Started gathering Documents and Reviewing for IELTS.
    01.06.2018 | Company offered to provide 482 Visa, GRABBED IT!!!
    15.10.2018 | 482 Visa Lodged
    13.11.2018 | 482 Visa Granted
    POEA Processing = took me almost a year to get all documents in place.

    07.06.2019 | Finally the BM!!!
    01.10.2019 | Started to review for PTE, aiming for Superior scores!
    23.02.2020 | PTE Mock Test = L=68/R=64/S=90/W=77
    29.02.2020 | PTE Test = L=90/R=85/S=90/W=85 - Got SUPERIOR on the 1st try! Thank You Lord!!!
    01.03.2020 | EOI Lodged for Visa 189/190 NSW (80/85)
    10.06.2020 | EOI Updated due to PY point addition (80/85)
    24.09.2020 | EOI Updated due to Passing NAATI CCL (85/90)
    10.05.2021 | Pursuing 186 (DE) - Thank God for His Favour!!!
    11.03.2022 | Visa 186 (DE) - Nomination and Visa Application Lodged... Now the waiting begins...
    14.01.2023 | Visa 186 (DE) - GRANTED!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!

    Citizenship Timeline:
    22.01.2024 | Citizenship Application made online. THANK YOU LORD!!!
    27.02.2024 | Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter Received
    11.04.2024 | Citizenship Test passed @ 100%!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    11.07.2024 | Citizenship Approval!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    29.10.2024 | Citizenship Invite Received
    30.11.2024 | FINALLY A CITIZEN!!!! THANK YOU LORD INDEED!!! that was quite a journey!!!

    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  • Jco15Jco15 Posts: 117Member
    Joined: Nov 13, 2022

    @baiken said:

    @Jco15 said:

    @baiken said:

    @Jco15 said:
    Hello! I'm currently in VIC with Tourist Visa. Is it possible for me also to have employer sponsorship? I'm a Mechanical Engineer with Positive Outcome from EA. Thanks!

    i believe it depends on the Conditions of your visa, if it has the "No Further Stay" clause, that is going to be a bit trickier...

    better to check with a migration agent/lawyer to get legal advise on these kinds of things :) just for your peace of mind...

    all the best!

    God Bless!

    Upon checking my VEVO, here are the only visa conditions.

    if this is the case, it will be best to consult with a migration agent/lawyer regarding the best options for you, especially if you are able to find a job while here in AU on a tourist visa, please be mindful though, not all employers are more than willing to go the extra mile to find out how this all works, the legalities and such of hiring somebody who has no "full-rights" when it comes to working, medyo matrabahong proseso lalo na para sa employer, and magastos :(

    i highly suggest you do your research, currently, napakaraming changes ang nangyayari sa immigration and what may have been applicable the past few years for us/me when it comes to securing a job here in AU, may not be the same nowadays, thus the reason we need to do research, or hire an expert for it :)

    highly rated for me si mam @RheaMARN1171933, but they may really be super busy nowadays


    all the best po and God bless on your journey!

    Thank you! Will try to contact ma'am @RheaMARN1171933

    Nominated Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
    ANZSCO Code: 233512

  • baikenbaiken QLD
    Posts: 461Member
    Joined: Feb 23, 2018

    @Jco15 said:

    @baiken said:

    @Jco15 said:

    @baiken said:

    @Jco15 said:
    Hello! I'm currently in VIC with Tourist Visa. Is it possible for me also to have employer sponsorship? I'm a Mechanical Engineer with Positive Outcome from EA. Thanks!

    i believe it depends on the Conditions of your visa, if it has the "No Further Stay" clause, that is going to be a bit trickier...

    better to check with a migration agent/lawyer to get legal advise on these kinds of things :) just for your peace of mind...

    all the best!

    God Bless!

    Upon checking my VEVO, here are the only visa conditions.

    if this is the case, it will be best to consult with a migration agent/lawyer regarding the best options for you, especially if you are able to find a job while here in AU on a tourist visa, please be mindful though, not all employers are more than willing to go the extra mile to find out how this all works, the legalities and such of hiring somebody who has no "full-rights" when it comes to working, medyo matrabahong proseso lalo na para sa employer, and magastos :(

    i highly suggest you do your research, currently, napakaraming changes ang nangyayari sa immigration and what may have been applicable the past few years for us/me when it comes to securing a job here in AU, may not be the same nowadays, thus the reason we need to do research, or hire an expert for it :)

    highly rated for me si mam @RheaMARN1171933, but they may really be super busy nowadays


    all the best po and God bless on your journey!

    Thank you! Will try to contact ma'am @RheaMARN1171933

    and of course, don't let it end there kabayan, share us the news din para we can celebrate with you the small wins! ;)

    all the best!

    God Bless!


    263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 25 | Education: 15 | English: 20 | Experience: 10 | PY: 5 | CCL: 5
    Total: 80/85 on Visa 189/190 Respectively

    23.02.2018 | Signed up for the forum. Started gathering Documents and Reviewing for IELTS.
    01.06.2018 | Company offered to provide 482 Visa, GRABBED IT!!!
    15.10.2018 | 482 Visa Lodged
    13.11.2018 | 482 Visa Granted
    POEA Processing = took me almost a year to get all documents in place.

    07.06.2019 | Finally the BM!!!
    01.10.2019 | Started to review for PTE, aiming for Superior scores!
    23.02.2020 | PTE Mock Test = L=68/R=64/S=90/W=77
    29.02.2020 | PTE Test = L=90/R=85/S=90/W=85 - Got SUPERIOR on the 1st try! Thank You Lord!!!
    01.03.2020 | EOI Lodged for Visa 189/190 NSW (80/85)
    10.06.2020 | EOI Updated due to PY point addition (80/85)
    24.09.2020 | EOI Updated due to Passing NAATI CCL (85/90)
    10.05.2021 | Pursuing 186 (DE) - Thank God for His Favour!!!
    11.03.2022 | Visa 186 (DE) - Nomination and Visa Application Lodged... Now the waiting begins...
    14.01.2023 | Visa 186 (DE) - GRANTED!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!

    Citizenship Timeline:
    22.01.2024 | Citizenship Application made online. THANK YOU LORD!!!
    27.02.2024 | Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter Received
    11.04.2024 | Citizenship Test passed @ 100%!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    11.07.2024 | Citizenship Approval!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    29.10.2024 | Citizenship Invite Received
    30.11.2024 | FINALLY A CITIZEN!!!! THANK YOU LORD INDEED!!! that was quite a journey!!!

    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  • _sebodemacho_sebodemacho Melbourne, VIC
    Posts: 1,018Member, Moderator
    Joined: Sep 13, 2019

    @Jco15 said:
    Hello! I'm currently in VIC with Tourist Visa. Is it possible for me also to have employer sponsorship? I'm a Mechanical Engineer with Positive Outcome from EA. Thanks!

    You can always try to find a job while on tourist visa. Wala namang illegal dun. Ang hindi legal is when you take on a job while on a tourist visa. :) There is a difference.

    Once you find a job, you need to transition to another substantial visa that would allow you to work and be onshore for the duration that the visa allows you to. This all depends on the employer if they are willing to sponsor your work visa.

    Good luck! :)


    DIY all the way. Avoid preachy, know-it-all, and unscrupulous agents AT ALL COSTS!

    "We must look for ways to be an active force in our own lives. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance and truly begin to live our dreams." - Les Brown

    261312 (Developer Programmer) - Main | 261111 (ICT Business Analyst) - Wife

    189 (95), 190 (100)


    14 Nov | BIG MOVE
    01 Nov | HIRED | First day of work. Remote working arrangement from SG
    --- Trying my luck at job hunting while in Singapore and BM planning on the side ---
    19 Apr | Direct Visa Grant | What a journey... JUST GRATEFUL!

    2022 - Pandemic Eases Off

    17 Nov | Medical Test Clearance
    15 Nov | Medical Test
    03 Nov | EOI #4, #6 | 189 Withdrawn, 190 NSW Withdrawn
    03 Nov | Visa Application | 190 VIC --- THE REAL WAITING GAME BEGINS!!!
    31 Oct | ITA | 190 VIC | never thought this day would come!!! T.T good decision to defer NSW nomination.
    27 Oct | Pre-ITA | 190 NSW --- sabi nila, when it rains, it pours!!!
    26 Oct | Nomination Application | 190 VIC
    26 Oct | Pre-ITA | 190 VIC --- one step closer, sa wakas, PADAYON!!!
    21 Oct | EOI #4, #5 + ROI, #6 DoE | 189, 190 VIC, 190 NSW
    21 Oct | ACS Assessment (Wife) Renewal - Suitable
    xx Mar| EOI#1, #2, #3 | 189 Expired, 190 NSW Expired, 190 VIC Expired

    2021 - Pandemic Still

    25 Sep | ACS Assessment (Main) Renewal - Suitable
    01 Feb | EOI#4 DoE | 189

    2020 - Pandemic

    19 Aug | EOI#1, #2, #3 DoE | 189, 190 NSW, 190 VIC
    30 Jul | NAATI CCL Online Test | Result: Passed
    09 Mar | PTE (Wife) | Results: L90 R80 S90 W82 (Superior)
    19 Feb | PTE (Main) | Results: L90 R83 S90 W82 (Superior)
    12 Feb | ACS Assessment (Wife) - Suitable | Expired


    24 Oct | ACS Assessment (Main) - Suitable | Expired


    --- Tons of research, document collection and other necessary preparations ---
    01 Sep | The Beginning | Had the chance to visit Oz, and immediately fell in love with it!

  • OzdrimsOzdrims Singapore
    Posts: 1,625Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jul 09, 2019

    After settling into a substantial visa to stay in AU , here is a look ahead from 482 to ENS 186 TRT visa ,this may change through time and the incoming Skills In Demand Visa

    Key is to look for a prospective employer first to sponsor a temporary visa


    ANZSCO 233211 Civil Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 05 (Competent English) |NAATI: 05 |State :05
    SC190 NSW = 90
    17 Apr 2023: Took PTE Exam: Superior
    29 May 2023: Spouse PTE Exam: Competent
    15 May 2023: Submitted relevant employment docs, work pass and DRAFT CDR to agent
    29 May 2023: Agent submitted EA MSA CDR + RSEA to Engineers Australia
    8 July 2023: EA MSA CDR + RSEA result: Suitable for migration
    26 July 2023: took the NAATI CCL
    13 Aug 2023: results out for NAATI exam
    15 Aug 2023: Agent updated EOI for CCL points (+5)
    13 Sep 2023: Agent created EOI for SC 190 NSW
    02 Nov 2023: Pre-invited by NSW
    06 Nov 2023: Nomination submitted to NSW
    09 Nov 2023: Nomination application approved & ITA received
    29 Nov 2023: Visa lodgment and medicals booked
    11 Dec 2023: Medicals completed
    11 October 2024: started the renewal of PCC /COC/NBI clearances SG and PH for both of us
    14 November 2024: Updated COCs for both of us and wife's NBI cert to IMMI through agent
    4 December 2024: I updated my NBI certificate by myself

    *Last week of January 2025 started processing of November 23 LODGEMENTS!!

    xx-xx-xx - Visa GRANT

  • OzdrimsOzdrims Singapore
    Posts: 1,625Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jul 09, 2019

    @Jco15 said:
    Hello! I'm currently in VIC with Tourist Visa. Is it possible for me also to have employer sponsorship? I'm a Mechanical Engineer with Positive Outcome from EA. Thanks!

    Yes you can ,
    See below link:

    Caveat: pls do a thorough check on your end as well especially on the visa conditions imposed as mentioned by @baiken while there is a way to lift that accdg to Traci


    ANZSCO 233211 Civil Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 05 (Competent English) |NAATI: 05 |State :05
    SC190 NSW = 90
    17 Apr 2023: Took PTE Exam: Superior
    29 May 2023: Spouse PTE Exam: Competent
    15 May 2023: Submitted relevant employment docs, work pass and DRAFT CDR to agent
    29 May 2023: Agent submitted EA MSA CDR + RSEA to Engineers Australia
    8 July 2023: EA MSA CDR + RSEA result: Suitable for migration
    26 July 2023: took the NAATI CCL
    13 Aug 2023: results out for NAATI exam
    15 Aug 2023: Agent updated EOI for CCL points (+5)
    13 Sep 2023: Agent created EOI for SC 190 NSW
    02 Nov 2023: Pre-invited by NSW
    06 Nov 2023: Nomination submitted to NSW
    09 Nov 2023: Nomination application approved & ITA received
    29 Nov 2023: Visa lodgment and medicals booked
    11 Dec 2023: Medicals completed
    11 October 2024: started the renewal of PCC /COC/NBI clearances SG and PH for both of us
    14 November 2024: Updated COCs for both of us and wife's NBI cert to IMMI through agent
    4 December 2024: I updated my NBI certificate by myself

    *Last week of January 2025 started processing of November 23 LODGEMENTS!!

    xx-xx-xx - Visa GRANT

  • RheaMARN1171933RheaMARN1171933 Posts: 2,780Member, Administrator, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 10, 2016

    @Ozdrims said:

    @Jco15 said:
    Hello! I'm currently in VIC with Tourist Visa. Is it possible for me also to have employer sponsorship? I'm a Mechanical Engineer with Positive Outcome from EA. Thanks!

    Yes you can ,
    See below link:

    Caveat: pls do a thorough check on your end as well especially on the visa conditions imposed as mentioned by @baiken while there is a way to lift that accdg to Traci

    Although it’s possible, it’s unlikely….the first thing employers/recruiters will ask is if you have work rights. The moment they find out you’re on a visitors visa, they move on. That’s always been the attitude even 20 years ago.

  • tmanitotmanito Posts: 50Member
    Joined: Oct 05, 2019

    my partner has been waiting for 186 TRT for 13 months now, she lodged her visa on June 19th, 2023. got news of nomination approval last June 6th 2024, hoping to see her visa approval in the coming weeks.

    Nominated Occupation: Computer Network & Systems Engineer
    My 482 TSS Visa Timeline
    9/25/2019 - Got the job offer letter
    10/5/2019 - Medical at Nationwide
    10/11/2019 - Took the PTE exam (1 day cramming at minadamali ko na)
    10/15/2019 - Got the results: L-79/R-84/S-76/W-81 - Proficient
    10/21/2019 - Visa Lodge
    10/24/2019 - Visa Granted
    10/25/2019 - Got notified about my visa grant
    01/03/2020 - first entry in Australia

    186 TRT Visa Timeline
    01/12/2023 - lodged my 186 TRT visa
    05/06/2023 - nomination approval
    05/24/2023 - visa grant

    Australian Citizenship Application Timeline
    05/23/2024 - application lodged
    07/10/2024 - invitation for interview and test
    07/15/2024 - passed the test
    10/19/2024 - application approved!!!!
    02/20/2025 - ceremony invited received
    03/13/2025 - waiting for the event

  • alibanini1209alibanini1209 Posts: 69Member
    Joined: Mar 04, 2023

    @tmanito said:
    my partner has been waiting for 186 TRT for 13 months now, she lodged her visa on June 19th, 2023. got news of nomination approval last June 6th 2024, hoping to see her visa approval in the coming weeks.

    @tmanito, so pwede pala maglodge ng visa before the nomination? i thought nomination has to be approved first before lodging the visa. did it take a while for the nomination to be approved? I'm in the process then of securing my 186. Malapit na din ako sa 2nd year ko, happy that it has been reduced from 3yrs to 2yrs.

  • baikenbaiken QLD
    Posts: 461Member
    Joined: Feb 23, 2018

    @alibanini1209 said:

    @tmanito said:
    my partner has been waiting for 186 TRT for 13 months now, she lodged her visa on June 19th, 2023. got news of nomination approval last June 6th 2024, hoping to see her visa approval in the coming weeks.

    @tmanito, so pwede pala maglodge ng visa before the nomination? i thought nomination has to be approved first before lodging the visa. did it take a while for the nomination to be approved? I'm in the process then of securing my 186. Malapit na din ako sa 2nd year ko, happy that it has been reduced from 3yrs to 2yrs.

    nomination and visa can both be lodged at the same time, that is what happened in my case... :)

    all the best!


    God Bless!


    263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 25 | Education: 15 | English: 20 | Experience: 10 | PY: 5 | CCL: 5
    Total: 80/85 on Visa 189/190 Respectively

    23.02.2018 | Signed up for the forum. Started gathering Documents and Reviewing for IELTS.
    01.06.2018 | Company offered to provide 482 Visa, GRABBED IT!!!
    15.10.2018 | 482 Visa Lodged
    13.11.2018 | 482 Visa Granted
    POEA Processing = took me almost a year to get all documents in place.

    07.06.2019 | Finally the BM!!!
    01.10.2019 | Started to review for PTE, aiming for Superior scores!
    23.02.2020 | PTE Mock Test = L=68/R=64/S=90/W=77
    29.02.2020 | PTE Test = L=90/R=85/S=90/W=85 - Got SUPERIOR on the 1st try! Thank You Lord!!!
    01.03.2020 | EOI Lodged for Visa 189/190 NSW (80/85)
    10.06.2020 | EOI Updated due to PY point addition (80/85)
    24.09.2020 | EOI Updated due to Passing NAATI CCL (85/90)
    10.05.2021 | Pursuing 186 (DE) - Thank God for His Favour!!!
    11.03.2022 | Visa 186 (DE) - Nomination and Visa Application Lodged... Now the waiting begins...
    14.01.2023 | Visa 186 (DE) - GRANTED!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!

    Citizenship Timeline:
    22.01.2024 | Citizenship Application made online. THANK YOU LORD!!!
    27.02.2024 | Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter Received
    11.04.2024 | Citizenship Test passed @ 100%!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    11.07.2024 | Citizenship Approval!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    29.10.2024 | Citizenship Invite Received
    30.11.2024 | FINALLY A CITIZEN!!!! THANK YOU LORD INDEED!!! that was quite a journey!!!

    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  • tmanitotmanito Posts: 50Member
    Joined: Oct 05, 2019

    @alibanini1209 said:

    @tmanito said:
    my partner has been waiting for 186 TRT for 13 months now, she lodged her visa on June 19th, 2023. got news of nomination approval last June 6th 2024, hoping to see her visa approval in the coming weeks.

    @tmanito, so pwede pala maglodge ng visa before the nomination? i thought nomination has to be approved first before lodging the visa. did it take a while for the nomination to be approved? I'm in the process then of securing my 186. Malapit na din ako sa 2nd year ko, happy that it has been reduced from 3yrs to 2yrs.

    yup it can be both lodged at the same time, have seen cases tho that the migration lawyer want to get nomination approval first. ang requirement lang naman to lodge 186 is transaction reference for the nomination application rin, it doesn't require n approved agad.


    Nominated Occupation: Computer Network & Systems Engineer
    My 482 TSS Visa Timeline
    9/25/2019 - Got the job offer letter
    10/5/2019 - Medical at Nationwide
    10/11/2019 - Took the PTE exam (1 day cramming at minadamali ko na)
    10/15/2019 - Got the results: L-79/R-84/S-76/W-81 - Proficient
    10/21/2019 - Visa Lodge
    10/24/2019 - Visa Granted
    10/25/2019 - Got notified about my visa grant
    01/03/2020 - first entry in Australia

    186 TRT Visa Timeline
    01/12/2023 - lodged my 186 TRT visa
    05/06/2023 - nomination approval
    05/24/2023 - visa grant

    Australian Citizenship Application Timeline
    05/23/2024 - application lodged
    07/10/2024 - invitation for interview and test
    07/15/2024 - passed the test
    10/19/2024 - application approved!!!!
    02/20/2025 - ceremony invited received
    03/13/2025 - waiting for the event

  • rurumemerurumeme South Australia
    Posts: 52Member
    Joined: May 24, 2023

    Hoping for your thoughts regarding my situation.

    I am in a 482 visa that will expire next year second quarter, female and on my early 30's. My company is willing to sponsor me for 186DE but I think the process will start on November or December this year kasi my time pa naman daw sa current visa ko. The company is an accredited sponsor and they are willing to provide full sponsorship but in return, 3 years bond with them.

    On the other hand, me and my partner prepared for the state invitations for SC 190. We are planning to lodge our ROI under the working stream of SA. I have 85 points (electrical engineer) and my partner has 95 points (civil engineer) for SC 190. My chance po ba na mainvite kami agad before Nov or December?
    If mainvite naman po kami agad, we will consider choosing the 190 instead of 186.
    Tama po ba decision namin?

    Some factors affecting our decision is our plan to start our family and 186/190 visa grant timeline.


    | Age: 30| English: 10 | Offshore Experience: 10| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 10 |Onshore Experience: 05 |State :05
    May 11: Took PTE (L:77, R:87, S:79, W:79)
    May 24: TSS 482 Visa Lodged
    May 30: Medical Examinations at St. Lukes
    June 6: TSS 482 Visa Granted
    June 29: Big MOVE
    Sept 21: Submitted MSA CDR+RSEA
    Oct 20: EA Requested Additional Docs
    Oct 26: Submitted Additional Docs
    Nov 3: MSA CDR +RSEA Result - Positive
    Nov 6: Submitted EOI 189
    Nov 8: Submitted EOI 190(SA)
    Aug 16: ROI (Under Skilled Employment in SA)
    Sept 16: Pre-Invite for 190 SA
    Sept 23: Submit Document for Final Invite
    Sep 30: ITA
    Oct 13: Lodge SC 190
    Oct 19: Apply Medicare
    Oct 23: Medicare Approved
    Jan 11: Medical Examinations @ BUPA Adelaide
    Jan 13: Health Clearance Provided

    | Age: 30| English: 20 | Offshore Experience: 10| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 10 |Onshore Experience: 05 |State :05
    May 23: Took PTE (L:81, R:83, S:90, W:74)
    Sept 8 : Submitted CDR via Free Fast track
    Sept 13: Received Positive Outcome
    Sept 16: Submitted MSA CDR+RSEA
    Oct 11: EA Requested Additional Docs
    Oct 16: Submitted Additional Docs
    Oct 29: MSA CDR +RSEA Result - Positive
    Nov 6: Submitted EOI 189
    Nov 8: Submitted EOI 190(SA)
    April 29: Retook PTE (L:85, R:90, S:84, W:87)
    Aug 28: ROI (Under Skilled Employment in SA)
    Oct 11: Pre-Invite for 190SA
    Oct 19: Apply Medicare
    Oct 23: Medicare Approved
    Nov 7: Invite for 189
    Dec 20: Lodged 189
    Jan 11: Medical Examinations @ BUPA Adelaide
    Jan 13: Health Clearance Provided

  • mathilde9mathilde9 Singapore
    Posts: 893Member
    Joined: Nov 15, 2021
    edited August 2024

    @rurumeme said:
    Hoping for your thoughts regarding my situation.

    I am in a 482 visa that will expire next year second quarter, female and on my early 30's. My company is willing to sponsor me for 186DE but I think the process will start on November or December this year kasi my time pa naman daw sa current visa ko. The company is an accredited sponsor and they are willing to provide full sponsorship but in return, 3 years bond with them.

    On the other hand, me and my partner prepared for the state invitations for SC 190. We are planning to lodge our ROI under the working stream of SA. I have 85 points (electrical engineer) and my partner has 95 points (civil engineer) for SC 190. My chance po ba na mainvite kami agad before Nov or December?
    If mainvite naman po kami agad, we will consider choosing the 190 instead of 186.
    Tama po ba decision namin?

    Some factors affecting our decision is our plan to start our family and 186/190 visa grant timeline.

    Congrats on your potential 186!
    For me, walang guarantee kasi na maiinvite kayo or kahit sino by Nov or Dec under GSM. State lang talaga makakapagsabi nyan eh. Ang daming factors and not 100% of them are visible to us migrants. Definitely the GSM pathway is a better option than 186 as you're not dependent on your employer. BUT, if you have a good relationship and trust with your employer, only you can tell that, why not pursue 186 at least ito medyo may 'promise' eh. If I were you, doon ako sa medyo may assurance.

    Although, maganda din chance niyo sa VIC if the state will have same profile preferences as last FY.


    OCCUPATION : SOFTWARE ENGINEER (261313) ~~ DIY. Offshore.
    Total Points ~~ NSW SC190: 90pts
    Points Breakdown:
    Age:25 | English:20 | Employment:15 | Education:15 | Single:10
    Been to Australia a few times and I just wanted to settle there. "I belong here" ganon.
    10 2021 - Research about AU migration; read a lot of related articles; consulted with agent for initial assessment. Decided to DIY.
    11 2021 - PTE (Proficient)
    11 2021 - Suitable ACS Skills Assessment received (8+ years suitable, 5weeks 4days TAT)
    01 2022 - EOIs submitted (matumal and slight hiatus since na-busy sa ibang bagay)
    09 2023 - PTE retake (Superior 90 overall)
    09 2023 - Updated EOIs to reflect +10pts on English Test
    11 2023 - ACS Assessment expired T_T (but already prepared for re-assessment a few weeks before)
    11 2023 - ACS deemed my skills unsuitable because of missing documents. Nilaban ko.
    12 2023 - Suitable ACS Skills reassessment (8+ years) after 1month of review and pangungulit (no fee incurred, fault nila)
    12 2023 - Some EOIs expired T_T
    12 2023 - New EOIs submitted (NSW, VIC, ACT, and 189)
    02 2024 - Booked NAATI Exam (desperate to max out point for a chance of invite)
    02 2024 - Received NSW 190 pre-invite!! ✩₊˚ (tears of joy, TYL! ). Cancelled NAATI test at 75% refund.
    02 2024 - Final NSW ITA received after 1 business day ✩₊˚
    02 2024 - Visa Lodgement
    02 2024 - Medicals. Cleared after 1 business day @ SATA AMK
    02 2024 - Singapore Police Clearance. Completed/claimed after 6 business days
    _ _ 2024 - ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧** Visa Grant! **✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧

  • getaudrhymsgetaudrhyms Posts: 8Member
    Joined: May 01, 2024

    @mathilde9 said:

    @rurumeme said:
    Hoping for your thoughts regarding my situation.

    I am in a 482 visa that will expire next year second quarter, female and on my early 30's. My company is willing to sponsor me for 186DE but I think the process will start on November or December this year kasi my time pa naman daw sa current visa ko. The company is an accredited sponsor and they are willing to provide full sponsorship but in return, 3 years bond with them.

    On the other hand, me and my partner prepared for the state invitations for SC 190. We are planning to lodge our ROI under the working stream of SA. I have 85 points (electrical engineer) and my partner has 95 points (civil engineer) for SC 190. My chance po ba na mainvite kami agad before Nov or December?
    If mainvite naman po kami agad, we will consider choosing the 190 instead of 186.
    Tama po ba decision namin?

    Some factors affecting our decision is our plan to start our family and 186/190 visa grant timeline.

    Congrats on your potential 186!
    For me, walang guarantee kasi na maiinvite kayo or kahit sino by Nov or Dec under GSM. State lang talaga makakapagsabi nyan eh. Ang daming factors and not 100% of them are visible to us migrants. Definitely the GSM pathway is a better option than 186 as you're not dependent on your employer. BUT, if you have a good relationship and trust with your employer, only you can tell that, why not pursue 186 at least ito medyo may 'promise' eh. If I were you, doon ako sa medyo may assurance.

    Although, maganda din chance niyo sa VIC if the state will have same profile preferences as last FY.

    Ask ko lang po paano po sila magkaka chance sa VIC since onshore po sila sa SA? Ang alam ko po VIC is not allowing interstate applicants?

  • mathilde9mathilde9 Singapore
    Posts: 893Member
    Joined: Nov 15, 2021
    edited August 2024

    @getaudrhyms said:

    @mathilde9 said:

    @rurumeme said:
    Hoping for your thoughts regarding my situation.

    I am in a 482 visa that will expire next year second quarter, female and on my early 30's. My company is willing to sponsor me for 186DE but I think the process will start on November or December this year kasi my time pa naman daw sa current visa ko. The company is an accredited sponsor and they are willing to provide full sponsorship but in return, 3 years bond with them.

    On the other hand, me and my partner prepared for the state invitations for SC 190. We are planning to lodge our ROI under the working stream of SA. I have 85 points (electrical engineer) and my partner has 95 points (civil engineer) for SC 190. My chance po ba na mainvite kami agad before Nov or December?
    If mainvite naman po kami agad, we will consider choosing the 190 instead of 186.
    Tama po ba decision namin?

    Some factors affecting our decision is our plan to start our family and 186/190 visa grant timeline.

    Congrats on your potential 186!
    For me, walang guarantee kasi na maiinvite kayo or kahit sino by Nov or Dec under GSM. State lang talaga makakapagsabi nyan eh. Ang daming factors and not 100% of them are visible to us migrants. Definitely the GSM pathway is a better option than 186 as you're not dependent on your employer. BUT, if you have a good relationship and trust with your employer, only you can tell that, why not pursue 186 at least ito medyo may 'promise' eh. If I were you, doon ako sa medyo may assurance.

    Although, maganda din chance niyo sa VIC if the state will have same profile preferences as last FY.

    Ask ko lang po paano po sila magkaka chance sa VIC since onshore po sila sa SA? Ang alam ko po VIC is not allowing interstate applicants?

    Hi im sorry about the mix up and that it confused you. I may have missed this VIC's rule last FY. Then may chance sila sa SA 190 since nasa SA sila.


    OCCUPATION : SOFTWARE ENGINEER (261313) ~~ DIY. Offshore.
    Total Points ~~ NSW SC190: 90pts
    Points Breakdown:
    Age:25 | English:20 | Employment:15 | Education:15 | Single:10
    Been to Australia a few times and I just wanted to settle there. "I belong here" ganon.
    10 2021 - Research about AU migration; read a lot of related articles; consulted with agent for initial assessment. Decided to DIY.
    11 2021 - PTE (Proficient)
    11 2021 - Suitable ACS Skills Assessment received (8+ years suitable, 5weeks 4days TAT)
    01 2022 - EOIs submitted (matumal and slight hiatus since na-busy sa ibang bagay)
    09 2023 - PTE retake (Superior 90 overall)
    09 2023 - Updated EOIs to reflect +10pts on English Test
    11 2023 - ACS Assessment expired T_T (but already prepared for re-assessment a few weeks before)
    11 2023 - ACS deemed my skills unsuitable because of missing documents. Nilaban ko.
    12 2023 - Suitable ACS Skills reassessment (8+ years) after 1month of review and pangungulit (no fee incurred, fault nila)
    12 2023 - Some EOIs expired T_T
    12 2023 - New EOIs submitted (NSW, VIC, ACT, and 189)
    02 2024 - Booked NAATI Exam (desperate to max out point for a chance of invite)
    02 2024 - Received NSW 190 pre-invite!! ✩₊˚ (tears of joy, TYL! ). Cancelled NAATI test at 75% refund.
    02 2024 - Final NSW ITA received after 1 business day ✩₊˚
    02 2024 - Visa Lodgement
    02 2024 - Medicals. Cleared after 1 business day @ SATA AMK
    02 2024 - Singapore Police Clearance. Completed/claimed after 6 business days
    _ _ 2024 - ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧** Visa Grant! **✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧

  • getaudrhymsgetaudrhyms Posts: 8Member
    Joined: May 01, 2024

    @mathilde9 said:

    @getaudrhyms said:

    @mathilde9 said:

    @rurumeme said:
    Hoping for your thoughts regarding my situation.

    I am in a 482 visa that will expire next year second quarter, female and on my early 30's. My company is willing to sponsor me for 186DE but I think the process will start on November or December this year kasi my time pa naman daw sa current visa ko. The company is an accredited sponsor and they are willing to provide full sponsorship but in return, 3 years bond with them.

    On the other hand, me and my partner prepared for the state invitations for SC 190. We are planning to lodge our ROI under the working stream of SA. I have 85 points (electrical engineer) and my partner has 95 points (civil engineer) for SC 190. My chance po ba na mainvite kami agad before Nov or December?
    If mainvite naman po kami agad, we will consider choosing the 190 instead of 186.
    Tama po ba decision namin?

    Some factors affecting our decision is our plan to start our family and 186/190 visa grant timeline.

    Congrats on your potential 186!
    For me, walang guarantee kasi na maiinvite kayo or kahit sino by Nov or Dec under GSM. State lang talaga makakapagsabi nyan eh. Ang daming factors and not 100% of them are visible to us migrants. Definitely the GSM pathway is a better option than 186 as you're not dependent on your employer. BUT, if you have a good relationship and trust with your employer, only you can tell that, why not pursue 186 at least ito medyo may 'promise' eh. If I were you, doon ako sa medyo may assurance.

    Although, maganda din chance niyo sa VIC if the state will have same profile preferences as last FY.

    Ask ko lang po paano po sila magkaka chance sa VIC since onshore po sila sa SA? Ang alam ko po VIC is not allowing interstate applicants?

    Hi im sorry about the mix up and that it confused you. I may have missed this VIC's rule last FY. Then may chance sila sa SA 190 since nasa SA sila.

    Thank you po sa confirmation.

  • rurumemerurumeme South Australia
    Posts: 52Member
    Joined: May 24, 2023

    @mathilde9 said:

    @rurumeme said:
    Hoping for your thoughts regarding my situation.

    I am in a 482 visa that will expire next year second quarter, female and on my early 30's. My company is willing to sponsor me for 186DE but I think the process will start on November or December this year kasi my time pa naman daw sa current visa ko. The company is an accredited sponsor and they are willing to provide full sponsorship but in return, 3 years bond with them.

    On the other hand, me and my partner prepared for the state invitations for SC 190. We are planning to lodge our ROI under the working stream of SA. I have 85 points (electrical engineer) and my partner has 95 points (civil engineer) for SC 190. My chance po ba na mainvite kami agad before Nov or December?
    If mainvite naman po kami agad, we will consider choosing the 190 instead of 186.
    Tama po ba decision namin?

    Some factors affecting our decision is our plan to start our family and 186/190 visa grant timeline.

    Congrats on your potential 186!
    For me, walang guarantee kasi na maiinvite kayo or kahit sino by Nov or Dec under GSM. State lang talaga makakapagsabi nyan eh. Ang daming factors and not 100% of them are visible to us migrants. Definitely the GSM pathway is a better option than 186 as you're not dependent on your employer. BUT, if you have a good relationship and trust with your employer, only you can tell that, why not pursue 186 at least ito medyo may 'promise' eh. If I were you, doon ako sa medyo may assurance.

    Although, maganda din chance niyo sa VIC if the state will have same profile preferences as last FY.

    Thank you very much po sa insights nyo. We are still weighing kung alin ang best option.
    My employer naman po is good to me, very supportive sila, but may chances ba na if di mo mafulfill yung 3 years, pwede ba nila icancel yung 186 kahit granted na?


    | Age: 30| English: 10 | Offshore Experience: 10| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 10 |Onshore Experience: 05 |State :05
    May 11: Took PTE (L:77, R:87, S:79, W:79)
    May 24: TSS 482 Visa Lodged
    May 30: Medical Examinations at St. Lukes
    June 6: TSS 482 Visa Granted
    June 29: Big MOVE
    Sept 21: Submitted MSA CDR+RSEA
    Oct 20: EA Requested Additional Docs
    Oct 26: Submitted Additional Docs
    Nov 3: MSA CDR +RSEA Result - Positive
    Nov 6: Submitted EOI 189
    Nov 8: Submitted EOI 190(SA)
    Aug 16: ROI (Under Skilled Employment in SA)
    Sept 16: Pre-Invite for 190 SA
    Sept 23: Submit Document for Final Invite
    Sep 30: ITA
    Oct 13: Lodge SC 190
    Oct 19: Apply Medicare
    Oct 23: Medicare Approved
    Jan 11: Medical Examinations @ BUPA Adelaide
    Jan 13: Health Clearance Provided

    | Age: 30| English: 20 | Offshore Experience: 10| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 10 |Onshore Experience: 05 |State :05
    May 23: Took PTE (L:81, R:83, S:90, W:74)
    Sept 8 : Submitted CDR via Free Fast track
    Sept 13: Received Positive Outcome
    Sept 16: Submitted MSA CDR+RSEA
    Oct 11: EA Requested Additional Docs
    Oct 16: Submitted Additional Docs
    Oct 29: MSA CDR +RSEA Result - Positive
    Nov 6: Submitted EOI 189
    Nov 8: Submitted EOI 190(SA)
    April 29: Retook PTE (L:85, R:90, S:84, W:87)
    Aug 28: ROI (Under Skilled Employment in SA)
    Oct 11: Pre-Invite for 190SA
    Oct 19: Apply Medicare
    Oct 23: Medicare Approved
    Nov 7: Invite for 189
    Dec 20: Lodged 189
    Jan 11: Medical Examinations @ BUPA Adelaide
    Jan 13: Health Clearance Provided

  • _sebodemacho_sebodemacho Melbourne, VIC
    Posts: 1,018Member, Moderator
    Joined: Sep 13, 2019
    edited August 2024

    @rurumeme said:

    @mathilde9 said:

    @rurumeme said:
    Hoping for your thoughts regarding my situation.

    I am in a 482 visa that will expire next year second quarter, female and on my early 30's. My company is willing to sponsor me for 186DE but I think the process will start on November or December this year kasi my time pa naman daw sa current visa ko. The company is an accredited sponsor and they are willing to provide full sponsorship but in return, 3 years bond with them.

    On the other hand, me and my partner prepared for the state invitations for SC 190. We are planning to lodge our ROI under the working stream of SA. I have 85 points (electrical engineer) and my partner has 95 points (civil engineer) for SC 190. My chance po ba na mainvite kami agad before Nov or December?
    If mainvite naman po kami agad, we will consider choosing the 190 instead of 186.
    Tama po ba decision namin?

    Some factors affecting our decision is our plan to start our family and 186/190 visa grant timeline.

    Congrats on your potential 186!
    For me, walang guarantee kasi na maiinvite kayo or kahit sino by Nov or Dec under GSM. State lang talaga makakapagsabi nyan eh. Ang daming factors and not 100% of them are visible to us migrants. Definitely the GSM pathway is a better option than 186 as you're not dependent on your employer. BUT, if you have a good relationship and trust with your employer, only you can tell that, why not pursue 186 at least ito medyo may 'promise' eh. If I were you, doon ako sa medyo may assurance.

    Although, maganda din chance niyo sa VIC if the state will have same profile preferences as last FY.

    Thank you very much po sa insights nyo. We are still weighing kung alin ang best option.
    My employer naman po is good to me, very supportive sila, but may chances ba na if di mo mafulfill yung 3 years, pwede ba nila icancel yung 186 kahit granted na?

    You should clarify that with them directly. For any instance, na hind nyo ma-complete yung 3yrs, what would be the repercussion. Sila lang makakasagot nun.

    Most companies wont go that far in requesting to cancel your visa, but they would ask for compensation in monetary form. Pwedeng pabayaran nila yung processing fees in part or in full, depende sa magiging terms nung nomination nila sa inyo. To be fair, time, effort, and resources rin naman yun sa kanila. It's a two-way street. So, it's within reason to include some clauses in the agreement.


    DIY all the way. Avoid preachy, know-it-all, and unscrupulous agents AT ALL COSTS!

    "We must look for ways to be an active force in our own lives. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance and truly begin to live our dreams." - Les Brown

    261312 (Developer Programmer) - Main | 261111 (ICT Business Analyst) - Wife

    189 (95), 190 (100)


    14 Nov | BIG MOVE
    01 Nov | HIRED | First day of work. Remote working arrangement from SG
    --- Trying my luck at job hunting while in Singapore and BM planning on the side ---
    19 Apr | Direct Visa Grant | What a journey... JUST GRATEFUL!

    2022 - Pandemic Eases Off

    17 Nov | Medical Test Clearance
    15 Nov | Medical Test
    03 Nov | EOI #4, #6 | 189 Withdrawn, 190 NSW Withdrawn
    03 Nov | Visa Application | 190 VIC --- THE REAL WAITING GAME BEGINS!!!
    31 Oct | ITA | 190 VIC | never thought this day would come!!! T.T good decision to defer NSW nomination.
    27 Oct | Pre-ITA | 190 NSW --- sabi nila, when it rains, it pours!!!
    26 Oct | Nomination Application | 190 VIC
    26 Oct | Pre-ITA | 190 VIC --- one step closer, sa wakas, PADAYON!!!
    21 Oct | EOI #4, #5 + ROI, #6 DoE | 189, 190 VIC, 190 NSW
    21 Oct | ACS Assessment (Wife) Renewal - Suitable
    xx Mar| EOI#1, #2, #3 | 189 Expired, 190 NSW Expired, 190 VIC Expired

    2021 - Pandemic Still

    25 Sep | ACS Assessment (Main) Renewal - Suitable
    01 Feb | EOI#4 DoE | 189

    2020 - Pandemic

    19 Aug | EOI#1, #2, #3 DoE | 189, 190 NSW, 190 VIC
    30 Jul | NAATI CCL Online Test | Result: Passed
    09 Mar | PTE (Wife) | Results: L90 R80 S90 W82 (Superior)
    19 Feb | PTE (Main) | Results: L90 R83 S90 W82 (Superior)
    12 Feb | ACS Assessment (Wife) - Suitable | Expired


    24 Oct | ACS Assessment (Main) - Suitable | Expired


    --- Tons of research, document collection and other necessary preparations ---
    01 Sep | The Beginning | Had the chance to visit Oz, and immediately fell in love with it!

  • desaersdesaers Posts: 14Member
    Joined: Apr 14, 2023

    Hi! Any idea how long employer nomination processing can go for a 494 visa? Ung kawork ko kasi nauna lang siya saken ng 1 month, approved na ung employer nomination niya (mga 1 month processing). Pero Finance Manager siya. Ako naman ICT Sales Specialist. Mas mabilis ba ung kanya dahil mas in demand ung occupation niya? Same employer lang kame. Both RCB approved na. Salamat po!

  • baikenbaiken QLD
    Posts: 461Member
    Joined: Feb 23, 2018

    @desaers said:
    Hi! Any idea how long employer nomination processing can go for a 494 visa? Ung kawork ko kasi nauna lang siya saken ng 1 month, approved na ung employer nomination niya (mga 1 month processing). Pero Finance Manager siya. Ako naman ICT Sales Specialist. Mas mabilis ba ung kanya dahil mas in demand ung occupation niya? Same employer lang kame. Both RCB approved na. Salamat po!

    you can check this URL:

    all the best!

    God Bless!

    263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 25 | Education: 15 | English: 20 | Experience: 10 | PY: 5 | CCL: 5
    Total: 80/85 on Visa 189/190 Respectively

    23.02.2018 | Signed up for the forum. Started gathering Documents and Reviewing for IELTS.
    01.06.2018 | Company offered to provide 482 Visa, GRABBED IT!!!
    15.10.2018 | 482 Visa Lodged
    13.11.2018 | 482 Visa Granted
    POEA Processing = took me almost a year to get all documents in place.

    07.06.2019 | Finally the BM!!!
    01.10.2019 | Started to review for PTE, aiming for Superior scores!
    23.02.2020 | PTE Mock Test = L=68/R=64/S=90/W=77
    29.02.2020 | PTE Test = L=90/R=85/S=90/W=85 - Got SUPERIOR on the 1st try! Thank You Lord!!!
    01.03.2020 | EOI Lodged for Visa 189/190 NSW (80/85)
    10.06.2020 | EOI Updated due to PY point addition (80/85)
    24.09.2020 | EOI Updated due to Passing NAATI CCL (85/90)
    10.05.2021 | Pursuing 186 (DE) - Thank God for His Favour!!!
    11.03.2022 | Visa 186 (DE) - Nomination and Visa Application Lodged... Now the waiting begins...
    14.01.2023 | Visa 186 (DE) - GRANTED!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!

    Citizenship Timeline:
    22.01.2024 | Citizenship Application made online. THANK YOU LORD!!!
    27.02.2024 | Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter Received
    11.04.2024 | Citizenship Test passed @ 100%!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    11.07.2024 | Citizenship Approval!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    29.10.2024 | Citizenship Invite Received
    30.11.2024 | FINALLY A CITIZEN!!!! THANK YOU LORD INDEED!!! that was quite a journey!!!

    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  • caspersushi24caspersushi24 New Zealand
    Posts: 135Member
    Joined: Aug 16, 2021

    Pagka ba naka 2yrs ka na holding 482 visa with the same employer, guaranteed ba na PR ka na agad? Though kailangan pa rin magapply.

    234411 Geologist
    18 Nov 2021 : PTE A Results - S90/R72/L80/W73

    25 Nov 2021 : VETASSESS - Lodged

    30 Apr 2022: VETASSESS - Positive Outcome

    6 May 2022: EOI Submitted - WA, SA, NT, VIC, QLD; 190 (75pts) / 491 (85pts)

    16 Nov 2022: VETASSESS Reassessment

    03 Jan 2023: PTE Retake

    May 2023: Big Move to New Zealand, slowly giving up my Australian dreams....

    Hiatus >>>

  • OzdrimsOzdrims Singapore
    Posts: 1,625Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jul 09, 2019

    @caspersushi24 said:
    Pagka ba naka 2yrs ka na holding 482 visa with the same employer, guaranteed ba na PR ka na agad? Though kailangan pa rin magapply.

    No, is not guaranteed ,need to comply pa din medical and police and all, nomination by an eligible employer yung waiting period before eligible for sponsorship for a PR visa , 186 transition ba iaapply nila?

    ANZSCO 233211 Civil Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 05 (Competent English) |NAATI: 05 |State :05
    SC190 NSW = 90
    17 Apr 2023: Took PTE Exam: Superior
    29 May 2023: Spouse PTE Exam: Competent
    15 May 2023: Submitted relevant employment docs, work pass and DRAFT CDR to agent
    29 May 2023: Agent submitted EA MSA CDR + RSEA to Engineers Australia
    8 July 2023: EA MSA CDR + RSEA result: Suitable for migration
    26 July 2023: took the NAATI CCL
    13 Aug 2023: results out for NAATI exam
    15 Aug 2023: Agent updated EOI for CCL points (+5)
    13 Sep 2023: Agent created EOI for SC 190 NSW
    02 Nov 2023: Pre-invited by NSW
    06 Nov 2023: Nomination submitted to NSW
    09 Nov 2023: Nomination application approved & ITA received
    29 Nov 2023: Visa lodgment and medicals booked
    11 Dec 2023: Medicals completed
    11 October 2024: started the renewal of PCC /COC/NBI clearances SG and PH for both of us
    14 November 2024: Updated COCs for both of us and wife's NBI cert to IMMI through agent
    4 December 2024: I updated my NBI certificate by myself

    *Last week of January 2025 started processing of November 23 LODGEMENTS!!

    xx-xx-xx - Visa GRANT

  • Jco15Jco15 Posts: 117Member
    Joined: Nov 13, 2022

    Hello! Baka po may alam kayo na employer na naghahanap at pwede magsponsor po. I'm a Mechanical Engineer / Project Engineer po. Thank you!

    Nominated Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
    ANZSCO Code: 233512

  • EngrHacubiEngrHacubi Posts: 5Member
    Joined: May 07, 2023

    Hello Tanong ko lang po for example, naka 482 ako then after 6months pwede ba akong magsubmit ng EOI sa 190/189? Iniisip ko lang na matatali kasi ako sa employer ko pag 482 ako though may promise naman sila sa 186, pero of course wala naman din yun assurance. Salamat sa sasagot.

  • baikenbaiken QLD
    Posts: 461Member
    Joined: Feb 23, 2018

    @EngrHacubi said:
    Hello Tanong ko lang po for example, naka 482 ako then after 6months pwede ba akong magsubmit ng EOI sa 190/189? Iniisip ko lang na matatali kasi ako sa employer ko pag 482 ako though may promise naman sila sa 186, pero of course wala naman din yun assurance. Salamat sa sasagot.

    hi po, yes you can submit an EOI for 190/189/491's, for all states, that is what i have done before as a plan B, C, D - Z! :)

    tama ka po, so many variables in place hangga't di nakakapagpa-PR, the journey is going to be fun, that is how it was and had been for me :)

    all the best!



    263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 25 | Education: 15 | English: 20 | Experience: 10 | PY: 5 | CCL: 5
    Total: 80/85 on Visa 189/190 Respectively

    23.02.2018 | Signed up for the forum. Started gathering Documents and Reviewing for IELTS.
    01.06.2018 | Company offered to provide 482 Visa, GRABBED IT!!!
    15.10.2018 | 482 Visa Lodged
    13.11.2018 | 482 Visa Granted
    POEA Processing = took me almost a year to get all documents in place.

    07.06.2019 | Finally the BM!!!
    01.10.2019 | Started to review for PTE, aiming for Superior scores!
    23.02.2020 | PTE Mock Test = L=68/R=64/S=90/W=77
    29.02.2020 | PTE Test = L=90/R=85/S=90/W=85 - Got SUPERIOR on the 1st try! Thank You Lord!!!
    01.03.2020 | EOI Lodged for Visa 189/190 NSW (80/85)
    10.06.2020 | EOI Updated due to PY point addition (80/85)
    24.09.2020 | EOI Updated due to Passing NAATI CCL (85/90)
    10.05.2021 | Pursuing 186 (DE) - Thank God for His Favour!!!
    11.03.2022 | Visa 186 (DE) - Nomination and Visa Application Lodged... Now the waiting begins...
    14.01.2023 | Visa 186 (DE) - GRANTED!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!

    Citizenship Timeline:
    22.01.2024 | Citizenship Application made online. THANK YOU LORD!!!
    27.02.2024 | Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter Received
    11.04.2024 | Citizenship Test passed @ 100%!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    11.07.2024 | Citizenship Approval!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
    29.10.2024 | Citizenship Invite Received
    30.11.2024 | FINALLY A CITIZEN!!!! THANK YOU LORD INDEED!!! that was quite a journey!!!

    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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