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NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
most recent by missyeur
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General Skilled Immigration Visa - Step By Step Process
most recent by fmp_921
SG-based Members; drop by here! (",)
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The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Joined: Mar 10, 2016
Congrats…it was my pleasure to have helped with insights. All the best with your new life down under
Posts: 250Member
Joined: May 23, 2020
Always po Ms. Rhea, even though each case is unique, your insights on other’s posts gave us also basically free consults po with regards to immigration rules in AU.
Thank you po!!
DIY Journey. ✈️🇦🇺🦘 soooon
Nominated Occupation > Agricultural Engineer
Points Breakdown
Age - 30 points | English - Superior 20 points| Qualifications (BS) - 15 points | Experience (8 yrs +) - 15 points | Single - 10 points = TOTAL POINTS > SC189 - 90 points; > SC190 - 95 points; SC491 - 105 points
08.01.2023 - Started CDR Preparation
08.25.2023 - Completed CDR/ CPD/ SS
09.01.2023 - Start PTE Exam Preparation
09.23.2023 - PTE Exam Proper
09.23.2023 - PTE Result > L - 88 | R - 90 | S - 90 | W - 79 > Superior - 1 take only
09.27.2023 - EA Skills Assessment Initial Document Upload (found some inconsistencies with date, had to postpone submission)
09.28.2023 - EA Skills Assessment Submitted, RSEA + Fast Track
10.18.2023 - EA Skills Assessment in Progress update
11.08.2023 - EA Skills Assessment Outcome - POSITIVE with 6 yrs + RSEA
11.08.2023 - Immediately Submitted EOI for SC 189 with 85 points
11.09.2023 - Submitted EOI / ROI for SC190 with 90 points for NSW/ VIC/ SA
01.09.2024 - Submitted EOI for SC 491 for NSW with 100 points
01.19.2024 - Edited All EOIs for SC 189/190/491 to reflect new position in work
01.24.2024 - Withdrawn EOI 190 / ROI for SA, Resubmitted EOI 491 / ROI for SA
07.25.2024 - Updated All EOIs for SC 189/190/491 to reflect promotion in work
09.30.2024 - Booked NAATI Exam for extra +5 points (scheduled at 11.13.2024)
10.08.2024 - INCREASE IN POINTS - 8 years working experience +5 points baby; EOI’s recalculated for SC189, SC190 - NSW/QLD, SC491 - VIC/ SA/ NSW/ QLD
11.07.2024 - Invited to Apply - SC 189 ; Cancelled NAATI Exam.
Received my invitation to apply exactly 365 days (leap year) after I submitted my EOI.
11.09.2024 - LODGED - Visa Application for SC 189 🇦🇺
11.09.2024 - Withdrawn all other EOIs (NSW/VIC/SA/QLD). EOI of SC189 is now LOCKED.
11.18.2024 - Immigration Medical Exam at St. Lukes Extension Clinic BGC
11.19.2024 - Attached Joint Affidavit of Two Disinterested Person for Birth Certificate Clerical Error re: Mother’s First Name
11.19.2024 - Health Clearance Provided - No further actions required
02.10.2025 - VISA GRANTED (no S56, direct grant) 🏆
13.02.2025 - Job Hunt Begins ⛏️🌾
17.02.2025 - Completed PDOS and acquired CFO Certificate
xx.xx.2025 - BIG MOVE ✈️
Posts: 1,624Member, Moderator
Joined: Jul 09, 2019
ANZSCO 233211 Civil Engineer (Offshore) | Age: 25| English: 20 | Experience: 15| Education: 15 | Partner Points: 05 (Competent English) |NAATI: 05 |State :05
SC190 NSW = 90
17 Apr 2023: Took PTE Exam: Superior
29 May 2023: Spouse PTE Exam: Competent
15 May 2023: Submitted relevant employment docs, work pass and DRAFT CDR to agent
29 May 2023: Agent submitted EA MSA CDR + RSEA to Engineers Australia
8 July 2023: EA MSA CDR + RSEA result: Suitable for migration
26 July 2023: took the NAATI CCL
13 Aug 2023: results out for NAATI exam
15 Aug 2023: Agent updated EOI for CCL points (+5)
13 Sep 2023: Agent created EOI for SC 190 NSW
02 Nov 2023: Pre-invited by NSW
06 Nov 2023: Nomination submitted to NSW
09 Nov 2023: Nomination application approved & ITA received
29 Nov 2023: Visa lodgment and medicals booked
11 Dec 2023: Medicals completed
11 October 2024: started the renewal of PCC /COC/NBI clearances SG and PH for both of us
14 November 2024: Updated COCs for both of us and wife's NBI cert to IMMI through agent
4 December 2024: I updated my NBI certificate by myself
*Last week of January 2025 started processing of November 23 LODGEMENTS!!
xx-xx-xx - Visa GRANT