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Student Dependant Visa applying for work

naxianaxia SydneyPosts: 13Member
I currently hold a student dependant visa. I'm fully aware that I can only work up to 40 hrs per fortnight. I'm just curious if it would be possible for me to apply for a working visa or an employer sponsored visa with my current visa status?


  • _maldita__maldita_ NSW
    Posts: 81Member
    Joined: Jan 25, 2014
    I'm also interested to know the answer.
  • fbclementefbclemente Melbourne
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Mar 01, 2014
    Yeah me too. Hopefully someone could enlighten us here.
  • janntdljanntdl Melbourne
    Posts: 65Member
    Joined: Jan 01, 2014
    of course yes...then you partner will be you dependent then...i know someone who did the same thing...the girl is the student and her partner found an employer to sponsor him as a nurse...after the sponsorship, the girl is no longer need to enroll as a student.
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