The Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) is a new scheme, established under the Migration and Mobility Partnership Arrangement (MMPA) between India and Australia. MATES gives Indian university graduates and early career professionals the opportunity to live and work in Australia for up to two years, and to gain employment and valuable experience in their areas of expertise. The scheme will be 3000 places for primary applicants per program year. Primary applicants will be able to apply to bring dependents. Dependents will be provided work rights and do not count towards the annual cap. The scheme has no set timeframe for commencement. Eligibility: MATES will be open to Indian nationals who:
– renewable energy
– mining
– engineering
– Information Communications Technology (ICT)
– artificial intelligence (AI)
– financial technology (FinTech)
– agricultural technology (AgriTech).
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