Road to OZ as RN!
08.10.2016 - IELTS-A BC 3rd Take
21.10.2016 - IELTS-A Results (L-8.0 R-8.0 S-6.5 W-7.5 : OBS-7.5)
21.10.2016 - Planning to shift to PTE-A
02.01.2017 - PTE-A Exam
04.01.2017 - PTE-A Results (L-87 R-80 S-79 W-90)
17.03.2017 - Lodged application to AHPRA
08.05.2017 - Received Referral to Bridging Program from AHPRA
02.08.2017 - BP Commencement at ETEA NSW for August intake
20.10.2017 - BP Completion
02.11.2017 - Lodged AGBP-40 application to AHPRA
20.01.2018 - Received in-principle registration for RN
20.01.2018 - Lodged modified skills assessment application to ANMAC
23.01.2018 - Presented to AHPRA and got my Full Registration as RN
23.02.2018 - Received LOD from ANMAC
06.03.2018 - Lodged EOI for 189/190
14.05.2018 - Lodged EOI for 489 Southern Inland, NSW
28.05.2018 - Invited to send Full Application for 489
01.07.2018 - Lodged full application for 489 Nomination
18.07.2018 - 489 Nomination has been approved and was invited to apply for 489 Visa
02.08.2018 - Lodged 489 Visa offshore (PH)
10.08.2018 - Health clearance provided
08.11.2018 - DIRECT GRANT!!!
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Launceston Tasmania - looking for friends!
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