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Engineers Australia Skills Assessment
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How long did it take you to get a job?
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Launceston Tasmania - looking for friends!
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The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 215Member
Joined: Feb 01, 2018
FB group: Pinoy AU Adelaide
FB group: From Singapore to Adelaide
FB group: Pinoy IT Adelaide
263112 Network Administrator
(Age-30pts, English-20pts, Education-15pts)
06/Feb/2018 : 1st PTE: L-77;R-90;S-90;W-79
13/Mar/2018 : Notarized docs in a SG lawfirm
16/Mar/2018 : ACS assessment submitted
02/May/2018 : ACS result positive
10/May/2018 : 2nd PTE: L-90;R-88;S-90;W-87
20/May/2018 : Submitted EOI
25/May/2018 : Submitted SA state sponsorship (visa 489)
13/Jun/2018 : Generated HAP ID for Medical
16/Jun/2018 : Wife's Medical @ Nationwide Makati
18/Jun/2018 : NBI Clearance
05/Jul/2018 : My Medical @ SG AMK SATA
25/Jul/2018 : ITA Received!! Thank You Lord!
01/Aug/2018 : SG Police Clearance
22/Aug/2018 : Visa lodged. Frontloaded all documents
waiting game.....
14/Dec/2018 : Granted!! Thankful for all the members in this forum.
Posts: 72Member
Joined: Oct 23, 2017
ANZSCO 263312 - Telecommunications Network Engineer 75 points | Visa 189 | Age: 27 - 30pts | English Exam - 20pts | Work Exp 5yrs - 10pts | Educ - 15 pts
01.30.18 - Took PTE-A Exam
02.06.18 - Received PTE-A Exam Results. L82 R83 S90 W71 -- 10 points
02.07.18 - Prepared CDR for EA
03.05.18 - Submitted docs to EA. Fast track.
04.04.18 - PTE-A Exam 2nd take
04.05.18 - PTE-A Results. L78 R90 S90 W77
04.17.18 - Received feedback from EA asking for additional docs
04.18.18 - Provided additional docs
04.23.18 - Received positive assessment outcome from EA
05.02.18 - Took PTE-A Exam 3RD TAKE
05.02.18 - PTE-A results received within the day! SUPERIOR!! L86 R83 S90 W86 -- 20 points
05.04.18 - Lodge EOI 75 points
05.09.18 - received ITA
05.23.18 - visa lodged
06.04.18 - Medical at St. Luke's BGC
06.07.18 - Health Clearance Provided: no action required
09.08.18 - Got CO contact asking for De Facto's US Police Clearance - FBI
09.18.18 - Provided FBI Clearance
10.08.18 - Grant received
Posts: 335Member
Joined: Nov 20, 2016
The result of my PTE took about 4 days.
ANZSCO 221213 External Auditor
[VISA 190-80 pts]
(Age:30| PTE:20| Exp: 10| Educ:15| SS:5)
26 November 2016 - Engaged MARA accredited agent
11 February 2017 - PTE Mock Test A: L-77 R-72 S-60 W-82
12 February 2017 - PTE Mock Test B: L-79 R-69 S-66 W-81
14 February 2017 - PTE-A Exam
18 February 2017 - PTE-A Exam: L-90 R-83 S-90 W-80 (Superior)
19 February 2017 - VETASESS Migration Assessment (Internal Auditor)
11 April 2017 - Full skills assessment - negative outcome
17 August 2017 - Re-assessment - outcome review (employment) - negative outcome
15 September 2017 - CPAA Migration Assessment (External Auditor)
09 October 2017 - Result of assessment - academically suitable for migration under External Auditor. However, duties listed in the employment are considered to be closely related to "internal auditing".
20 October 2017 - Appeal for External Auditor (Employment)
03 November 2017 - Positive CPAA assessment! Yehey!
03 November 2017 - Lodged EOI (189/190-NSW)
17 November 2017 - Received invitation to apply for NSW state nomination.
18 November 2017 - Lodged my nomination application with NSW.
28 November 2017 - Approved application for NSW nomination and received an ITA for Visa 190
05 December 2017 - Lodged VISA 190 - DIBP
09 December 2017 - Medical Examination @ Nationwide Makati
13 December 2017 - NBI Clearance (Hit)
18 December 2017 - Claimed NBI Clearance
18 December 2017 - Frontloaded all documents
21 February 2018 - CO contact - employment reference (which I have already submitted)
23 February 2018 - First Feedback (suggestion)
15 March 2018 - Second Feedback (suggestion)
20 March 2018 - VISA Grant - Thank you God!
10 September 2018 - IED
13 December 2018 - Got a job with Big 4 Audit Firm (External Auditor-Senior Associate)
1 July 2019 - Moved to another audit firm (External/Internal Auditor-Senior Associate)
14 Jan 2021 - Got an Internal Auditor job in one of the biggeat insurance companies
Tips on BM:
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Posts: 278Member
Joined: Jan 11, 2018
haha ganyan din una ko ginawa, tinest ko kung naiintidihan ba ni siri salita ko.
God is good all the time!
Age: 25 | English : 20 | Work Experience : 15 | Qualifications: 15 | CCL: 5 | Partner: 5
Production or Plant Engineer (233513)
22/03/2019 - Positive Skill Assessment Outcome
31/12/2019 - PTE Superior
15/07/2020 - NAATI CCL Passed
12/09/2020 - Partner English Passed
25/11/2021 - Pre-Invite - SA
20/12/2021 - ITA Received
16/02/2022 - Visa Lodged
05/09/2022 - CO Contact - Form 815
03/11/2022 - CO Contact - New Medical Exam request/Form 815
12/12/2022 - Visa Grant - THANK YOU, LORD!
Posts: 1Member
Joined: Feb 04, 2018
Posts: 188Member
Joined: Aug 09, 2016
ANZSCO 221111 - Accountant (General) 189:70 - 190(NSW):75
1st take PTE-A: Failed - sad
2nd take PTE-A: Passed - yay!
28.10.2016 - Submitted skills and employment assessment to CPA Australia.
18.11.2016 - Answered prayers, positive assessments from CPA Australia.
21.11.2016 - Submitted EOI 189-70 : 190 (Any)-75
01.12.2016 - Received State Nomination from WA - but requires employment so we'll let this lapse.
08.12.2016 - Changed preferred state to "NSW"
28.10.217 - PTE 73/85/86/75 -LRSW - sayang!
09.12.217 - PTE 69/90/86/80 -LRSW - sayang again!
Reviewing for PTE again bawal suko/Waiting for ITA
“Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22”
Posts: 72Member
Joined: Oct 23, 2017
ANZSCO 263312 - Telecommunications Network Engineer 75 points | Visa 189 | Age: 27 - 30pts | English Exam - 20pts | Work Exp 5yrs - 10pts | Educ - 15 pts
01.30.18 - Took PTE-A Exam
02.06.18 - Received PTE-A Exam Results. L82 R83 S90 W71 -- 10 points
02.07.18 - Prepared CDR for EA
03.05.18 - Submitted docs to EA. Fast track.
04.04.18 - PTE-A Exam 2nd take
04.05.18 - PTE-A Results. L78 R90 S90 W77
04.17.18 - Received feedback from EA asking for additional docs
04.18.18 - Provided additional docs
04.23.18 - Received positive assessment outcome from EA
05.02.18 - Took PTE-A Exam 3RD TAKE
05.02.18 - PTE-A results received within the day! SUPERIOR!! L86 R83 S90 W86 -- 20 points
05.04.18 - Lodge EOI 75 points
05.09.18 - received ITA
05.23.18 - visa lodged
06.04.18 - Medical at St. Luke's BGC
06.07.18 - Health Clearance Provided: no action required
09.08.18 - Got CO contact asking for De Facto's US Police Clearance - FBI
09.18.18 - Provided FBI Clearance
10.08.18 - Grant received
Posts: 20Member
Joined: Jan 27, 2018
Posts: 118Member
Joined: Jun 20, 2017
Congratulations sa lahat ng nakapasa..
congrats sir @ceasarkho !
Matthew 7:7
Ask and you will receive, search and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you.
Psalm 23
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Eventhough I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Posts: 1,175Member
Joined: Jan 18, 2017
Additionally, mag focus ng slight sa pag pronounce ng mga dulong letters, example: light pronounce mo yung "t" minsan nttranscribe sya ng computer as lie lalo kung mabilis ka magsalita. Tnry ko yun, i put emphasis sa mga dulong letters and may improvement sa pronunciation ko, from 50 dati naging 80 nung tnry ko yun. Also, mas mag focus sa OF kesa sa Pronunciation, mas mataas daw hatak ng OF sabi ng mga sources dito at sabi sa youtube na napanuod ko. HTH!
261212 Web Developer
(Age:30 | Education: 10 | English: 20 | Experience: 5 | No Partner: 10)
20170614 - Garnering Docs
20170724 - Decided to go to PTE rather IELTS
20170725 - Reviewing for PTE and collating docs
20170818 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20170818 - Notarized Affidavit for 1 Employer
20170821 - CTC Docs (32 pages)
20170824 - ACS Submission (Developer Programmer)
20170915 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171010 - ACS Result: AQF Diploma with a Major in computing (Developer Programmer)
20171013 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20171017 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171027 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171102 - Lodge EOI 190 (Any) 55 Points
20171114 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20171120 - Purchased PTE Scored Practice Set 2
20171218 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180213 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180305 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180322 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180328 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20180410 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180428 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180517 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180605 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180711 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180726 - Purchased PTE Scored Practice Set 3
20180730 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180911 - Bought PTE Voucher from co - pinoyau user
20181217 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190114 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190129 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190213 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190226 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190308 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190313 - PTE Superior (Thanks God!)
20190313 - Lodge EOI 190 (NSW) 65 Points
20190314 - Lodge EOI 190 (VIC) 65 Points
20191110 - Additional 5 points for Work XP
20191111 - Garnering additional docs for ACS Reassessment
20191121 - CTC Docs
20191121 - ACS Submission (Web Developer)
20191216 - ACS Result: Unsuitable for Migration (Web Developer)
20191216-19 - ACS Result Appeal For Some Content Errors
20191219 - ACS Result Updated: Suitable for Migration With 1 Work XP Not Assessable Due to Insufficient Documentation (Web Developer)
20200103 - ACS Review Submission (Web Developer)
20200129 - ACS Result: AQF Diploma with a Major in computing (Web Developer)
20171005 - (L:60|R:67|W:69|S:60) (G:74|OF:58|P:46|S:90|V:70|WD:90)
20171025 - (L:71|R:77|W:77|S:82) (G:90|OF:78|P:72|S:86|V:70|WD:57)
20171114 - (L:72|R:76|W:72|S:71) (G:88|OF:60|P:80|S:90|V:75|WD:79)
20180103 - (L:63|R:69|W:73|S:69) (G:90|OF:62|P:60|S:90|V:69|WD:90)
20180221 - (L:76|R:81|W:82|S:73) (G:85|OF:61|P:58|S:88|V:90|WD:90)
20180321 - (L:63|R:89|W:72|S:77) (G:90|OF:82|P:62|S:59|V:77|WD:90)
20180403 - (L:71|R:71|W:78|S:90) (G:74|OF:90|P:62|S:66|V:90|WD:85)
20180426 - (L:66|R:85|W:74|S:81) (G:71|OF:83|P:69|S:18|V:79|WD:90)
20180511 - (L:66|R:75|W:74|S:65) (G:90|OF:74|P:62|S:59|V:77|WD:90)
20180604 - (L:75|R:75|W:81|S:79) (G:82|OF:76|P:68|S:90|V:87|WD:90)
20180706 - (L:55|R:84|W:61|S:80) (G:68|OF:90|P:61|S:76|V:72|WD:90) - Unable to reach WFD
20180720 - (L:70|R:74|W:87|S:73) (G:80|OF:88|P:75|S:90|V:69|WD:84)
20180906 - (L:81|R:78|W:86|S:86) (G:87|OF:90|P:71|S:89|V:88|WD:90) - Awtsu
20180925 - (L:75|R:90|W:90|S:84) (G:77|OF:89|P:65|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190109 - (L:72|R:86|W:83|S:90) (G:70|OF:84|P:74|S:84|V:86|WD:90)
20190129 - (L:77|R:90|W:83|S:87) (G:73|OF:73|P:68|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190205 - (L:58|R:80|W:72|S:69) (G:71|OF:57|P:62|S:78|V:69|WD:85) - Short Sleep (Lutang)
20190220 - (L:77|R:85|W:87|S:74) (G:90|OF:70|P:41|S:90|V:90|WD:88) - Clogged Nose
20190307 - (L:81|R:90|W:90|S:76) (G:74|OF:67|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190313 - (L:79|R:84|W:90|S:81) (G:90|OF:83|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:90) - Thank you JESUS! Thank you LORD! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
20170824 - Test A (L:55|R:48|W:54|S:57) (G:47|OF:59|P:39|S:69|V:55|WD:47)
20170831 - Test B (L:64|R:53|W:61|S:61) (G:65|OF:62|P:52|S:84|V:68|WD:90)
20171017 - Test A (L:62|R:51|W:65|S:54) (G:47|OF:53|P:37|S:81|V:66|WD:90)
20171021 - Test B (L:77|R:65|W:77|S:70) (G:82|OF:74|P:74|S:90|V:81|WD:75)
20171116 - Test A (L:72|R:56|W:77|S:68) (G:83|OF:59|P:57|S:90|V:79|WD:90)
20171119 - Test B (L:74|R:66|W:76|S:56) (G:90|OF:41|P:43|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20171121 - Test B (L:89|R:90|W:90|S:84) (G:90|OF:90|P:70|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20180328 - Test A (L:69|R:75|W:74|S:67) (G:90|OF:70|P:34|S:81|V:85|WD:90)
20180329 - Test B (L:82|R:78|W:81|S:89) (G:90|OF:89|P:61|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20180726 - Test C (L:79|R:86|W:89|S:74) (G:78|OF:78|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:79)
Matthew 17:20 King James Version (KJV):
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Posts: 211Member
Joined: Apr 03, 2017
1. State the topic (rephrase the essay prompt)
2. Rephrase the argument. Here select your viewpoint and state your opinion.
3. Provide overall reasons for your thesis/opinion.
1. Introduce topic sentence of Reason 1.
2. Support your topic sentence.
3. Provide example
4. Rephrase sentence in step 1.
1. Introduce topic sentence of Reason 2.
2. Support your topic sentence.
3. Provide example
4. Rephrase sentence in step 1.
Conclusion (In this part just re-use and play with "Intro" paragraph topic)
1. Restate thesis/main opinion. Starts with "In conclusion.."
2. State any implication. Starts with "In my opinion.." or "I strongly recommend...".
Make a strategy how to dissect quickly the essay prompt in order to identify the topic, arguments, which one you agree, and reasons.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Software Engineer - 261313
Age:25+English:20+Education:15+Work Exp:10=70pts
29.08.17 -1st Take CS:L65/R69/S52/W78,ES:G71/OF42/P60/S90/V68/WD60
29.09.17 - 2nd TakeCS:L48/R66/S90/W53,ES:G64/OF90/P90/S49/V73/WD90
23.10.17 - 3rd Take CS:L79/R78/S90/W78,ES:G82/OF90/P90/S86/V76/WD90
24.11.17 - 4th Take CS L80/R83/S90/W75,ES:G63/OF90/P90/S60/V80/WD83
29.12.17 - 5th Take CS L75/R84/S76/W90,ES:G90/OF75/P76/S90/V71/WD90
29.01.18 - 6th Take CS L79/R86/S90/W82,ES:G81/OF90/P90/S84/V73/WD83
31.01.18 - Updated EOI NSW 190 75PTS
31.01.18 - Updated EOI 189 70PTS
02.02.18 - Received pre-invitation NSW 190
08.02.18 - Submitted required documents to NSW190 application
28.02.18 - SS Approved/ITA 190 NSW. Praise God!
01.03.18 - Requested for Medical Referral letter, COC SG, NBI
-- 28.03.18 SATA Medical appointment for the whole family.
-- 05.03.18 NBI appointment for fingerprint.
-- 12.03.18 SG PCC cleared
-- 20.03.18 NBI Clearance Appointment, NBI Manila
-- 02.04.18 NBI Clearance released -No Hit
-- 03.04.18 - Health Declarations - All are cleared. Praise God!
07.04.18 - Visa Lodged NSW 190.
27.06.18 - Visa granted! Praise God!
In God we trust! Healthy mindset makes better results.
18.11.18 - Landed in Sydney.
28.11.18 - Started Job
Posts: 188Member
Joined: Aug 09, 2016
ANZSCO 221111 - Accountant (General) 189:70 - 190(NSW):75
1st take PTE-A: Failed - sad
2nd take PTE-A: Passed - yay!
28.10.2016 - Submitted skills and employment assessment to CPA Australia.
18.11.2016 - Answered prayers, positive assessments from CPA Australia.
21.11.2016 - Submitted EOI 189-70 : 190 (Any)-75
01.12.2016 - Received State Nomination from WA - but requires employment so we'll let this lapse.
08.12.2016 - Changed preferred state to "NSW"
28.10.217 - PTE 73/85/86/75 -LRSW - sayang!
09.12.217 - PTE 69/90/86/80 -LRSW - sayang again!
Reviewing for PTE again bawal suko/Waiting for ITA
“Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22”
Posts: 211Member
Joined: Apr 03, 2017
In addition po,
1. Re-phrase and use synonyms
2. Be particular about S+V+O, simple/compound/complex sentence structure. These help the PTE AI easily comprehend your writing.
3. Start a sentence with a cohesive device.
Also, ensure to improve other items that contribute to writing, like SWT, SST, FIB, Write from dictation. More on PTE Academic official book.
Lastly, master the English grammar/sentence structures para during exam, ideas na lng iisipin mo and writing skills is secondary na lng that flows naturally.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Software Engineer - 261313
Age:25+English:20+Education:15+Work Exp:10=70pts
29.08.17 -1st Take CS:L65/R69/S52/W78,ES:G71/OF42/P60/S90/V68/WD60
29.09.17 - 2nd TakeCS:L48/R66/S90/W53,ES:G64/OF90/P90/S49/V73/WD90
23.10.17 - 3rd Take CS:L79/R78/S90/W78,ES:G82/OF90/P90/S86/V76/WD90
24.11.17 - 4th Take CS L80/R83/S90/W75,ES:G63/OF90/P90/S60/V80/WD83
29.12.17 - 5th Take CS L75/R84/S76/W90,ES:G90/OF75/P76/S90/V71/WD90
29.01.18 - 6th Take CS L79/R86/S90/W82,ES:G81/OF90/P90/S84/V73/WD83
31.01.18 - Updated EOI NSW 190 75PTS
31.01.18 - Updated EOI 189 70PTS
02.02.18 - Received pre-invitation NSW 190
08.02.18 - Submitted required documents to NSW190 application
28.02.18 - SS Approved/ITA 190 NSW. Praise God!
01.03.18 - Requested for Medical Referral letter, COC SG, NBI
-- 28.03.18 SATA Medical appointment for the whole family.
-- 05.03.18 NBI appointment for fingerprint.
-- 12.03.18 SG PCC cleared
-- 20.03.18 NBI Clearance Appointment, NBI Manila
-- 02.04.18 NBI Clearance released -No Hit
-- 03.04.18 - Health Declarations - All are cleared. Praise God!
07.04.18 - Visa Lodged NSW 190.
27.06.18 - Visa granted! Praise God!
In God we trust! Healthy mindset makes better results.
18.11.18 - Landed in Sydney.
28.11.18 - Started Job
Posts: 188Member
Joined: Aug 09, 2016
ANZSCO 221111 - Accountant (General) 189:70 - 190(NSW):75
1st take PTE-A: Failed - sad
2nd take PTE-A: Passed - yay!
28.10.2016 - Submitted skills and employment assessment to CPA Australia.
18.11.2016 - Answered prayers, positive assessments from CPA Australia.
21.11.2016 - Submitted EOI 189-70 : 190 (Any)-75
01.12.2016 - Received State Nomination from WA - but requires employment so we'll let this lapse.
08.12.2016 - Changed preferred state to "NSW"
28.10.217 - PTE 73/85/86/75 -LRSW - sayang!
09.12.217 - PTE 69/90/86/80 -LRSW - sayang again!
Reviewing for PTE again bawal suko/Waiting for ITA
“Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22”
Posts: 211Member
Joined: Apr 03, 2017
You are welcome. I struggled rin sa Writing. I was confused rin sa mga explanations sa youtube. Pero nkatulong significantly ang IELTS way of writing. Then E2Language provided the effective format which is inline sa PTE.
Pinaka critical is yung introduction, dahil it serves as a map for the entire essay. Then dapat direct sa prompt ang introduction. And conclusion part dapat rephrase ng intro which includes ng reasons/sub topics stated in the body.
Effective ang pgsulat ng Conclusion part after na isulat mo ang Introduction part.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Software Engineer - 261313
Age:25+English:20+Education:15+Work Exp:10=70pts
29.08.17 -1st Take CS:L65/R69/S52/W78,ES:G71/OF42/P60/S90/V68/WD60
29.09.17 - 2nd TakeCS:L48/R66/S90/W53,ES:G64/OF90/P90/S49/V73/WD90
23.10.17 - 3rd Take CS:L79/R78/S90/W78,ES:G82/OF90/P90/S86/V76/WD90
24.11.17 - 4th Take CS L80/R83/S90/W75,ES:G63/OF90/P90/S60/V80/WD83
29.12.17 - 5th Take CS L75/R84/S76/W90,ES:G90/OF75/P76/S90/V71/WD90
29.01.18 - 6th Take CS L79/R86/S90/W82,ES:G81/OF90/P90/S84/V73/WD83
31.01.18 - Updated EOI NSW 190 75PTS
31.01.18 - Updated EOI 189 70PTS
02.02.18 - Received pre-invitation NSW 190
08.02.18 - Submitted required documents to NSW190 application
28.02.18 - SS Approved/ITA 190 NSW. Praise God!
01.03.18 - Requested for Medical Referral letter, COC SG, NBI
-- 28.03.18 SATA Medical appointment for the whole family.
-- 05.03.18 NBI appointment for fingerprint.
-- 12.03.18 SG PCC cleared
-- 20.03.18 NBI Clearance Appointment, NBI Manila
-- 02.04.18 NBI Clearance released -No Hit
-- 03.04.18 - Health Declarations - All are cleared. Praise God!
07.04.18 - Visa Lodged NSW 190.
27.06.18 - Visa granted! Praise God!
In God we trust! Healthy mindset makes better results.
18.11.18 - Landed in Sydney.
28.11.18 - Started Job
Posts: 1,175Member
Joined: Jan 18, 2017
261212 Web Developer
(Age:30 | Education: 10 | English: 20 | Experience: 5 | No Partner: 10)
20170614 - Garnering Docs
20170724 - Decided to go to PTE rather IELTS
20170725 - Reviewing for PTE and collating docs
20170818 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20170818 - Notarized Affidavit for 1 Employer
20170821 - CTC Docs (32 pages)
20170824 - ACS Submission (Developer Programmer)
20170915 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171010 - ACS Result: AQF Diploma with a Major in computing (Developer Programmer)
20171013 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20171017 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171027 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171102 - Lodge EOI 190 (Any) 55 Points
20171114 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20171120 - Purchased PTE Scored Practice Set 2
20171218 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180213 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180305 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180322 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180328 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20180410 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180428 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180517 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180605 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180711 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180726 - Purchased PTE Scored Practice Set 3
20180730 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180911 - Bought PTE Voucher from co - pinoyau user
20181217 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190114 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190129 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190213 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190226 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190308 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190313 - PTE Superior (Thanks God!)
20190313 - Lodge EOI 190 (NSW) 65 Points
20190314 - Lodge EOI 190 (VIC) 65 Points
20191110 - Additional 5 points for Work XP
20191111 - Garnering additional docs for ACS Reassessment
20191121 - CTC Docs
20191121 - ACS Submission (Web Developer)
20191216 - ACS Result: Unsuitable for Migration (Web Developer)
20191216-19 - ACS Result Appeal For Some Content Errors
20191219 - ACS Result Updated: Suitable for Migration With 1 Work XP Not Assessable Due to Insufficient Documentation (Web Developer)
20200103 - ACS Review Submission (Web Developer)
20200129 - ACS Result: AQF Diploma with a Major in computing (Web Developer)
20171005 - (L:60|R:67|W:69|S:60) (G:74|OF:58|P:46|S:90|V:70|WD:90)
20171025 - (L:71|R:77|W:77|S:82) (G:90|OF:78|P:72|S:86|V:70|WD:57)
20171114 - (L:72|R:76|W:72|S:71) (G:88|OF:60|P:80|S:90|V:75|WD:79)
20180103 - (L:63|R:69|W:73|S:69) (G:90|OF:62|P:60|S:90|V:69|WD:90)
20180221 - (L:76|R:81|W:82|S:73) (G:85|OF:61|P:58|S:88|V:90|WD:90)
20180321 - (L:63|R:89|W:72|S:77) (G:90|OF:82|P:62|S:59|V:77|WD:90)
20180403 - (L:71|R:71|W:78|S:90) (G:74|OF:90|P:62|S:66|V:90|WD:85)
20180426 - (L:66|R:85|W:74|S:81) (G:71|OF:83|P:69|S:18|V:79|WD:90)
20180511 - (L:66|R:75|W:74|S:65) (G:90|OF:74|P:62|S:59|V:77|WD:90)
20180604 - (L:75|R:75|W:81|S:79) (G:82|OF:76|P:68|S:90|V:87|WD:90)
20180706 - (L:55|R:84|W:61|S:80) (G:68|OF:90|P:61|S:76|V:72|WD:90) - Unable to reach WFD
20180720 - (L:70|R:74|W:87|S:73) (G:80|OF:88|P:75|S:90|V:69|WD:84)
20180906 - (L:81|R:78|W:86|S:86) (G:87|OF:90|P:71|S:89|V:88|WD:90) - Awtsu
20180925 - (L:75|R:90|W:90|S:84) (G:77|OF:89|P:65|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190109 - (L:72|R:86|W:83|S:90) (G:70|OF:84|P:74|S:84|V:86|WD:90)
20190129 - (L:77|R:90|W:83|S:87) (G:73|OF:73|P:68|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190205 - (L:58|R:80|W:72|S:69) (G:71|OF:57|P:62|S:78|V:69|WD:85) - Short Sleep (Lutang)
20190220 - (L:77|R:85|W:87|S:74) (G:90|OF:70|P:41|S:90|V:90|WD:88) - Clogged Nose
20190307 - (L:81|R:90|W:90|S:76) (G:74|OF:67|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190313 - (L:79|R:84|W:90|S:81) (G:90|OF:83|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:90) - Thank you JESUS! Thank you LORD! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
20170824 - Test A (L:55|R:48|W:54|S:57) (G:47|OF:59|P:39|S:69|V:55|WD:47)
20170831 - Test B (L:64|R:53|W:61|S:61) (G:65|OF:62|P:52|S:84|V:68|WD:90)
20171017 - Test A (L:62|R:51|W:65|S:54) (G:47|OF:53|P:37|S:81|V:66|WD:90)
20171021 - Test B (L:77|R:65|W:77|S:70) (G:82|OF:74|P:74|S:90|V:81|WD:75)
20171116 - Test A (L:72|R:56|W:77|S:68) (G:83|OF:59|P:57|S:90|V:79|WD:90)
20171119 - Test B (L:74|R:66|W:76|S:56) (G:90|OF:41|P:43|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20171121 - Test B (L:89|R:90|W:90|S:84) (G:90|OF:90|P:70|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20180328 - Test A (L:69|R:75|W:74|S:67) (G:90|OF:70|P:34|S:81|V:85|WD:90)
20180329 - Test B (L:82|R:78|W:81|S:89) (G:90|OF:89|P:61|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20180726 - Test C (L:79|R:86|W:89|S:74) (G:78|OF:78|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:79)
Matthew 17:20 King James Version (KJV):
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Posts: 188Member
Joined: Aug 09, 2016
ANZSCO 221111 - Accountant (General) 189:70 - 190(NSW):75
1st take PTE-A: Failed - sad
2nd take PTE-A: Passed - yay!
28.10.2016 - Submitted skills and employment assessment to CPA Australia.
18.11.2016 - Answered prayers, positive assessments from CPA Australia.
21.11.2016 - Submitted EOI 189-70 : 190 (Any)-75
01.12.2016 - Received State Nomination from WA - but requires employment so we'll let this lapse.
08.12.2016 - Changed preferred state to "NSW"
28.10.217 - PTE 73/85/86/75 -LRSW - sayang!
09.12.217 - PTE 69/90/86/80 -LRSW - sayang again!
Reviewing for PTE again bawal suko/Waiting for ITA
“Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22”
Posts: 1,175Member
Joined: Jan 18, 2017
1. Essay, SWT, SST
2. Reading: Fill in the Blanks (Dropdown), Write From Dictation, Listening: Fill in the Blanks
To get superior sa tingin ko po dapat makakuha ka ng half correct answers sa mga items sa number 2 plus a good writing sa mga items sa number 1.
Check nyo po etong site:
Nandiyan po yung mga items na nagcocontribute sa scoring sa writing page 7-9
261212 Web Developer
(Age:30 | Education: 10 | English: 20 | Experience: 5 | No Partner: 10)
20170614 - Garnering Docs
20170724 - Decided to go to PTE rather IELTS
20170725 - Reviewing for PTE and collating docs
20170818 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20170818 - Notarized Affidavit for 1 Employer
20170821 - CTC Docs (32 pages)
20170824 - ACS Submission (Developer Programmer)
20170915 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171010 - ACS Result: AQF Diploma with a Major in computing (Developer Programmer)
20171013 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20171017 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171027 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171102 - Lodge EOI 190 (Any) 55 Points
20171114 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20171120 - Purchased PTE Scored Practice Set 2
20171218 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180213 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180305 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180322 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180328 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20180410 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180428 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180517 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180605 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180711 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180726 - Purchased PTE Scored Practice Set 3
20180730 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180911 - Bought PTE Voucher from co - pinoyau user
20181217 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190114 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190129 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190213 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190226 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190308 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190313 - PTE Superior (Thanks God!)
20190313 - Lodge EOI 190 (NSW) 65 Points
20190314 - Lodge EOI 190 (VIC) 65 Points
20191110 - Additional 5 points for Work XP
20191111 - Garnering additional docs for ACS Reassessment
20191121 - CTC Docs
20191121 - ACS Submission (Web Developer)
20191216 - ACS Result: Unsuitable for Migration (Web Developer)
20191216-19 - ACS Result Appeal For Some Content Errors
20191219 - ACS Result Updated: Suitable for Migration With 1 Work XP Not Assessable Due to Insufficient Documentation (Web Developer)
20200103 - ACS Review Submission (Web Developer)
20200129 - ACS Result: AQF Diploma with a Major in computing (Web Developer)
20171005 - (L:60|R:67|W:69|S:60) (G:74|OF:58|P:46|S:90|V:70|WD:90)
20171025 - (L:71|R:77|W:77|S:82) (G:90|OF:78|P:72|S:86|V:70|WD:57)
20171114 - (L:72|R:76|W:72|S:71) (G:88|OF:60|P:80|S:90|V:75|WD:79)
20180103 - (L:63|R:69|W:73|S:69) (G:90|OF:62|P:60|S:90|V:69|WD:90)
20180221 - (L:76|R:81|W:82|S:73) (G:85|OF:61|P:58|S:88|V:90|WD:90)
20180321 - (L:63|R:89|W:72|S:77) (G:90|OF:82|P:62|S:59|V:77|WD:90)
20180403 - (L:71|R:71|W:78|S:90) (G:74|OF:90|P:62|S:66|V:90|WD:85)
20180426 - (L:66|R:85|W:74|S:81) (G:71|OF:83|P:69|S:18|V:79|WD:90)
20180511 - (L:66|R:75|W:74|S:65) (G:90|OF:74|P:62|S:59|V:77|WD:90)
20180604 - (L:75|R:75|W:81|S:79) (G:82|OF:76|P:68|S:90|V:87|WD:90)
20180706 - (L:55|R:84|W:61|S:80) (G:68|OF:90|P:61|S:76|V:72|WD:90) - Unable to reach WFD
20180720 - (L:70|R:74|W:87|S:73) (G:80|OF:88|P:75|S:90|V:69|WD:84)
20180906 - (L:81|R:78|W:86|S:86) (G:87|OF:90|P:71|S:89|V:88|WD:90) - Awtsu
20180925 - (L:75|R:90|W:90|S:84) (G:77|OF:89|P:65|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190109 - (L:72|R:86|W:83|S:90) (G:70|OF:84|P:74|S:84|V:86|WD:90)
20190129 - (L:77|R:90|W:83|S:87) (G:73|OF:73|P:68|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190205 - (L:58|R:80|W:72|S:69) (G:71|OF:57|P:62|S:78|V:69|WD:85) - Short Sleep (Lutang)
20190220 - (L:77|R:85|W:87|S:74) (G:90|OF:70|P:41|S:90|V:90|WD:88) - Clogged Nose
20190307 - (L:81|R:90|W:90|S:76) (G:74|OF:67|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190313 - (L:79|R:84|W:90|S:81) (G:90|OF:83|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:90) - Thank you JESUS! Thank you LORD! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
20170824 - Test A (L:55|R:48|W:54|S:57) (G:47|OF:59|P:39|S:69|V:55|WD:47)
20170831 - Test B (L:64|R:53|W:61|S:61) (G:65|OF:62|P:52|S:84|V:68|WD:90)
20171017 - Test A (L:62|R:51|W:65|S:54) (G:47|OF:53|P:37|S:81|V:66|WD:90)
20171021 - Test B (L:77|R:65|W:77|S:70) (G:82|OF:74|P:74|S:90|V:81|WD:75)
20171116 - Test A (L:72|R:56|W:77|S:68) (G:83|OF:59|P:57|S:90|V:79|WD:90)
20171119 - Test B (L:74|R:66|W:76|S:56) (G:90|OF:41|P:43|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20171121 - Test B (L:89|R:90|W:90|S:84) (G:90|OF:90|P:70|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20180328 - Test A (L:69|R:75|W:74|S:67) (G:90|OF:70|P:34|S:81|V:85|WD:90)
20180329 - Test B (L:82|R:78|W:81|S:89) (G:90|OF:89|P:61|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20180726 - Test C (L:79|R:86|W:89|S:74) (G:78|OF:78|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:79)
Matthew 17:20 King James Version (KJV):
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Posts: 215Member
Joined: Feb 01, 2018
FB group: Pinoy AU Adelaide
FB group: From Singapore to Adelaide
FB group: Pinoy IT Adelaide
263112 Network Administrator
(Age-30pts, English-20pts, Education-15pts)
06/Feb/2018 : 1st PTE: L-77;R-90;S-90;W-79
13/Mar/2018 : Notarized docs in a SG lawfirm
16/Mar/2018 : ACS assessment submitted
02/May/2018 : ACS result positive
10/May/2018 : 2nd PTE: L-90;R-88;S-90;W-87
20/May/2018 : Submitted EOI
25/May/2018 : Submitted SA state sponsorship (visa 489)
13/Jun/2018 : Generated HAP ID for Medical
16/Jun/2018 : Wife's Medical @ Nationwide Makati
18/Jun/2018 : NBI Clearance
05/Jul/2018 : My Medical @ SG AMK SATA
25/Jul/2018 : ITA Received!! Thank You Lord!
01/Aug/2018 : SG Police Clearance
22/Aug/2018 : Visa lodged. Frontloaded all documents
waiting game.....
14/Dec/2018 : Granted!! Thankful for all the members in this forum.
Posts: 43Member
Joined: Feb 01, 2018
Posts: 43Member
Joined: Feb 01, 2018
Posts: 43Member
Joined: Feb 01, 2018
Aside from that, my speaking before is 65 during mock test. When I took the real exam pressure goes on. I got 64. Then 61. My OF and Pronounciation - 58 my bad
Help. Thanks.
Posts: 2,109Member
Joined: Aug 03, 2016
Sa speaking, malaking factor ang OF(speed,pause) at pronunciation(clarity, less noise sa inhale exhale). Better test your mic, until comfortable ka. Baka may habit ka na hawakan ang mic, or sa earside. Parang may mga buttons sa side ng ear.
263111 - Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 30pts | Education: 15pts | Experience: 5pts | English: 20pts | Total: 70pts
03.08.2016 - joined pinoyau forum
12.08.2016 - Start collating documents needed for ACS assessment.
17.11.2016 - CTC'd and Submitted online ACS Assessment.
28.11.2016 - ACS Result Suitable (AQF Advance Diploma, 5 years deducted) - Sent Appeal Application
05.12.2016 - ACS Appeal Successful (AQF Bachelor Degree, 2 years deducted)
21.12.2016 - Submitted EOI 189/190(NSW) (60/65)
07.09.2017 - Update EOI 189 to 70pts
20.09.2017 - INVITED!!!
02.10.2017 - NBI Appointment - Hit for Wifey
09.10.2017 - Medical @ Nationwide Makati - NBI Release for Wifey
10.10.2017 - Medical Cleared (Both) - Visa 189 Application Lodge - Frontloaded All Documents
20.02.2018 - GRANTED!! FINALLY!!! 02 Oct 2018 IED
*****AFTER GRANT*****
20.03.2018 - CFO/PDOS
28.05.2018 - Initial Entry
31.07.2018 - Big Move (Melbourne)
Days Count since Lodging: 133 days - counting ends here!!
Date applied: 06 July 2022
City/Council area: City of Maroondah (VIC)
Online / Paper: Online
Date received the acknowledgement email: 06 July 2022
Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter: 09 Feb 2023
Date of the Citizenship Test: 15 Feb 2023
Citizenship Approval: 15 Feb 2023
Received Ceremony Invitation: 08 May 2023
Date of ceremony: 07 June 2023
Road to Superior:
20.12.2016 - L68/R70/S83/W65
16.01.2017 - L63/R74/S80/W59
*****wedding preps*****
26.06.2017 - L61/R75/S82/W72
05.07.2017 - L71/R90/S83/W74
24.07.2017 - L78/R82/S88/W80 - DAMN!!!
01.08.2017 - L72/R78/S88/W70
08.08.2017 - L73/R90/S90/W73
14.08.2017 - L73/R81/S84/W83
06.09.2017 - L89/R88/S90/W81 - YEEEEYYYY!!!!
Mock Test:
16.12.2016 - Set A - L71/R58/S56/W64
17.12.2016 - Set B - L73/R61/S71/W67
List of documents I submitted: (updated Feb 2018)
Tip #TeamFeedback:
Sample recording:
My PTE tips:
PTE Resources:
Are you into stock market investing? Are you looking to invest in US stock Market? Are you OZ citizen or a PR already in OZ?
I recommend using Stake App to get into US market. It has $0 brokerage fee, and no commission. Just pay the FOREX rate when you transfer funds to your AU to US Stake App. You can earn Free stock if you use my referral code below:
Invest in US Stocks and ETFs on Stake. Join today using my referral code jeffrexo362 and we can both get a free stock.
Posts: 65Member
Joined: Jan 05, 2018
Posts: 17Member
Joined: Feb 06, 2018
Posts: 17Member
Joined: Feb 06, 2018
Posts: 83Member
Joined: Sep 28, 2017
Jan 20 2018 - IELTS Exam
Feb 02 2018 - IELTS Results (L-7.0/R-6.5/W-6.5/S-7.0)
Mar 09 2018 - Submitted MSA CDR Application
Apr 10 2018 - PTE A - (L-68/R-70/S-70/W-76)
April 19 2018 - Received EA Official Assessment Outcome (Professional Engineer| Skill Level 1|Process Engineer| RSEA of 8 yrs)
Posts: 83Member
Joined: Sep 28, 2017
[email protected]
Jan 20 2018 - IELTS Exam
Feb 02 2018 - IELTS Results (L-7.0/R-6.5/W-6.5/S-7.0)
Mar 09 2018 - Submitted MSA CDR Application
Apr 10 2018 - PTE A - (L-68/R-70/S-70/W-76)
April 19 2018 - Received EA Official Assessment Outcome (Professional Engineer| Skill Level 1|Process Engineer| RSEA of 8 yrs)
Posts: 1,175Member
Joined: Jan 18, 2017
261212 Web Developer
(Age:30 | Education: 10 | English: 20 | Experience: 5 | No Partner: 10)
20170614 - Garnering Docs
20170724 - Decided to go to PTE rather IELTS
20170725 - Reviewing for PTE and collating docs
20170818 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20170818 - Notarized Affidavit for 1 Employer
20170821 - CTC Docs (32 pages)
20170824 - ACS Submission (Developer Programmer)
20170915 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171010 - ACS Result: AQF Diploma with a Major in computing (Developer Programmer)
20171013 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20171017 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171027 - Bought PTE Voucher
20171102 - Lodge EOI 190 (Any) 55 Points
20171114 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20171120 - Purchased PTE Scored Practice Set 2
20171218 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180213 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180305 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180322 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180328 - Purchased PTE Gold Kit
20180410 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180428 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180517 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180605 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180711 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180726 - Purchased PTE Scored Practice Set 3
20180730 - Bought PTE Voucher
20180911 - Bought PTE Voucher from co - pinoyau user
20181217 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190114 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190129 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190213 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190226 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190308 - Bought PTE Voucher
20190313 - PTE Superior (Thanks God!)
20190313 - Lodge EOI 190 (NSW) 65 Points
20190314 - Lodge EOI 190 (VIC) 65 Points
20191110 - Additional 5 points for Work XP
20191111 - Garnering additional docs for ACS Reassessment
20191121 - CTC Docs
20191121 - ACS Submission (Web Developer)
20191216 - ACS Result: Unsuitable for Migration (Web Developer)
20191216-19 - ACS Result Appeal For Some Content Errors
20191219 - ACS Result Updated: Suitable for Migration With 1 Work XP Not Assessable Due to Insufficient Documentation (Web Developer)
20200103 - ACS Review Submission (Web Developer)
20200129 - ACS Result: AQF Diploma with a Major in computing (Web Developer)
20171005 - (L:60|R:67|W:69|S:60) (G:74|OF:58|P:46|S:90|V:70|WD:90)
20171025 - (L:71|R:77|W:77|S:82) (G:90|OF:78|P:72|S:86|V:70|WD:57)
20171114 - (L:72|R:76|W:72|S:71) (G:88|OF:60|P:80|S:90|V:75|WD:79)
20180103 - (L:63|R:69|W:73|S:69) (G:90|OF:62|P:60|S:90|V:69|WD:90)
20180221 - (L:76|R:81|W:82|S:73) (G:85|OF:61|P:58|S:88|V:90|WD:90)
20180321 - (L:63|R:89|W:72|S:77) (G:90|OF:82|P:62|S:59|V:77|WD:90)
20180403 - (L:71|R:71|W:78|S:90) (G:74|OF:90|P:62|S:66|V:90|WD:85)
20180426 - (L:66|R:85|W:74|S:81) (G:71|OF:83|P:69|S:18|V:79|WD:90)
20180511 - (L:66|R:75|W:74|S:65) (G:90|OF:74|P:62|S:59|V:77|WD:90)
20180604 - (L:75|R:75|W:81|S:79) (G:82|OF:76|P:68|S:90|V:87|WD:90)
20180706 - (L:55|R:84|W:61|S:80) (G:68|OF:90|P:61|S:76|V:72|WD:90) - Unable to reach WFD
20180720 - (L:70|R:74|W:87|S:73) (G:80|OF:88|P:75|S:90|V:69|WD:84)
20180906 - (L:81|R:78|W:86|S:86) (G:87|OF:90|P:71|S:89|V:88|WD:90) - Awtsu
20180925 - (L:75|R:90|W:90|S:84) (G:77|OF:89|P:65|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190109 - (L:72|R:86|W:83|S:90) (G:70|OF:84|P:74|S:84|V:86|WD:90)
20190129 - (L:77|R:90|W:83|S:87) (G:73|OF:73|P:68|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190205 - (L:58|R:80|W:72|S:69) (G:71|OF:57|P:62|S:78|V:69|WD:85) - Short Sleep (Lutang)
20190220 - (L:77|R:85|W:87|S:74) (G:90|OF:70|P:41|S:90|V:90|WD:88) - Clogged Nose
20190307 - (L:81|R:90|W:90|S:76) (G:74|OF:67|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20190313 - (L:79|R:84|W:90|S:81) (G:90|OF:83|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:90) - Thank you JESUS! Thank you LORD! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
20170824 - Test A (L:55|R:48|W:54|S:57) (G:47|OF:59|P:39|S:69|V:55|WD:47)
20170831 - Test B (L:64|R:53|W:61|S:61) (G:65|OF:62|P:52|S:84|V:68|WD:90)
20171017 - Test A (L:62|R:51|W:65|S:54) (G:47|OF:53|P:37|S:81|V:66|WD:90)
20171021 - Test B (L:77|R:65|W:77|S:70) (G:82|OF:74|P:74|S:90|V:81|WD:75)
20171116 - Test A (L:72|R:56|W:77|S:68) (G:83|OF:59|P:57|S:90|V:79|WD:90)
20171119 - Test B (L:74|R:66|W:76|S:56) (G:90|OF:41|P:43|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20171121 - Test B (L:89|R:90|W:90|S:84) (G:90|OF:90|P:70|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20180328 - Test A (L:69|R:75|W:74|S:67) (G:90|OF:70|P:34|S:81|V:85|WD:90)
20180329 - Test B (L:82|R:78|W:81|S:89) (G:90|OF:89|P:61|S:90|V:90|WD:90)
20180726 - Test C (L:79|R:86|W:89|S:74) (G:78|OF:78|P:53|S:90|V:90|WD:79)
Matthew 17:20 King James Version (KJV):
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Posts: 20Member
Joined: Jan 16, 2018