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EegieEegie ThailandPosts: 25Member
Hi everyone,

Just wanna know if it matters where the medical will be done? I have a friend who's currently employed in Thailand and her agency is based in Pinas, she will lodge her visa next week (which will be done by the agent sa Pinas) and she plans to do the medical in Thailand. Have anyone had the same experience before? Ok lang ba kung ganun? Or does she have to go home to Pinas and do the medical there since the result will be sent to the embassy straight away.

Thank you so much guys.


  • fgsfgs Cooper Basin
    Posts: 1,161Member
    Joined: Nov 12, 2013
    Eegie said:

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanna know if it matters where the medical will be done? I have a friend who's currently employed in Thailand and her agency is based in Pinas, she will lodge her visa next week (which will be done by the agent sa Pinas) and she plans to do the medical in Thailand. Have anyone had the same experience before? Ok lang ba kung ganun? Or does she have to go home to Pinas and do the medical there since the result will be sent to the embassy straight away.

    Thank you so much guys.

    There are accredited medical doctors/testing centres in each country. It doesnt matter which country you do your medical. Check the website for the panel of accrdited doctors
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