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Posts: 327Member
Joined: Jun 09, 2014
Thanks @lecia and @ms_ane.
So bale pagka may butas na ang recently cancelled passport kahit na ang nakasulat na expiration dun is January 2020 pa, ilalagay ko yun sa Question # 13 sa Form 80 po nu? And tick ko yung "expired" box sa Question # 12?
20.08.16 | IELTS Exam
02.09.16 | IELTS Results (L7.5 R7.0 W5.5 S6.5 | OBS6.5)
15.11.16 | Start of Sydney Trip
20.11.16 | End of Sydney Trip
11.02.17 | IELTS Exam
24.02.17 | IELTS Results (L7.5 R6.5 W6.0 S7.0 | OBS7.0)
15.05.17 | Started Composing Career Episodes
22.08.17 | Created EA Account
27.08.17 | Lodged MSA + RSEA
01.09.17 | Applied for Fast Track
04.09.17 | Booked PTE-A Exam Using AECC Voucher
08.09.17 | EA replied requesting for additional docs
18.09.17 | PTE-A Exam
19.09.17 | PTE-A Exam (L70 R75 W69 S87 | OBS73)
22.09.17 | Submitted additional docs to EA
26.09.17 | EA positive outcome with 5 years relevant work experience! God is good!
27.09.17 | Lodged 189 EOI via Skillselect with total of 65 points
04.10.17 | Lodged 190 EOI via Skillselect with total of 70 points
CY.2018 | Waiting game
20.01.19 | Attended CEVAS review sessions
25.03.19 | PTE-A Exam (L86 R78 W88 S88 | OBS83)
08.04.19 | PTE-A Exam (L81 R75 W80 S90 | OBS81)
06.05.19 | PTE-A Exam (L79 R87 W82 S90 | OBS86) - TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
06.05.19 | Updated 189 and 190 EOI via SkillSelect with total of 75 and 80 points, respectively
16.11.19 | EOI 189 and 190 auto-updated to 85 and 90 points, respectively
Joined: Nov 06, 2016
So kung sa form 80 na queries mo eto sagot:
10. Other passport- NO
11. Any previous passport - YES
12. ✔️ Others - state mo reason cancelled/renewal
13. Remember details of the previous passport-Yes then state the information.
Goodluck sa process! Exciting yan.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Age: 25 Language: 20 Experience: 15 Education: 15
08/09/2017 - passed Australian Medical Scientist exam
27/10/2017 - PTE LRSW- 77/80/75/85
2018- got promoted, new job responsibilities,stop muna ang AUSSIE DREAM
25/09/2018- PTE LRSW- 70/82/90/70 ( technical, ayaw magmove ng mouse ko sa listening, 2 WFD diko nasagot, submitted report\complain pero wala din)
17/10/2018- PTE LRSW- 84/77/90/84
09/02/2019- PTE LRSW- 83/82/90/85
10/02/2019 -EOI lodge 75 (189) 80 (190)
11/02/2019 - ITA received 189 ( 75 points)
12/02/2019 - NSW ITA received 190 ( 80 points)
19/02/2019 - SG PCC released
20/02/2019 - Medical at SATA Ang Mo Kio @6-9 pm night clinic
23/02/2019 - Visa lodged 189
06/03/2019 - NBI provided ( umuwi ako Pinas kasi sa online Last name ni husband nag aapear, di pa ako nagchange ng married name ko kaya gusto ko kapareho nun passport at iba pang docs ko. Pag sa Pinas, pinakita ko lang passport ko at yun nirelease nila.
Posts: 231Member
Joined: Jul 14, 2016
@cacophony said:
"No" dapat answer mo dyan, kasi cancelled na yung luma mo.
pwede mo ilagay yung luma mo sa expired portion sa form 80, if i remember correctly may part doon na tinatanong kung meron kang expired passport.
Posts: 327Member
Joined: Jun 09, 2014
Thanks po @lecia and @odwight.
Last na po, ang gamit ko po kasi sa pog-lodge ng EOI e yung cancelled passport ko (in case of lost password). Will that have any impact if ever bagong passport na nilagay ko sa Form 80?
20.08.16 | IELTS Exam
02.09.16 | IELTS Results (L7.5 R7.0 W5.5 S6.5 | OBS6.5)
15.11.16 | Start of Sydney Trip
20.11.16 | End of Sydney Trip
11.02.17 | IELTS Exam
24.02.17 | IELTS Results (L7.5 R6.5 W6.0 S7.0 | OBS7.0)
15.05.17 | Started Composing Career Episodes
22.08.17 | Created EA Account
27.08.17 | Lodged MSA + RSEA
01.09.17 | Applied for Fast Track
04.09.17 | Booked PTE-A Exam Using AECC Voucher
08.09.17 | EA replied requesting for additional docs
18.09.17 | PTE-A Exam
19.09.17 | PTE-A Exam (L70 R75 W69 S87 | OBS73)
22.09.17 | Submitted additional docs to EA
26.09.17 | EA positive outcome with 5 years relevant work experience! God is good!
27.09.17 | Lodged 189 EOI via Skillselect with total of 65 points
04.10.17 | Lodged 190 EOI via Skillselect with total of 70 points
CY.2018 | Waiting game
20.01.19 | Attended CEVAS review sessions
25.03.19 | PTE-A Exam (L86 R78 W88 S88 | OBS83)
08.04.19 | PTE-A Exam (L81 R75 W80 S90 | OBS81)
06.05.19 | PTE-A Exam (L79 R87 W82 S90 | OBS86) - TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
06.05.19 | Updated 189 and 190 EOI via SkillSelect with total of 75 and 80 points, respectively
16.11.19 | EOI 189 and 190 auto-updated to 85 and 90 points, respectively
Posts: 1,133Member
Joined: Jan 14, 2018
> Thanks po @lecia and @odwight.
> Last na po, ang gamit ko po kasi sa pog-lodge ng EOI e yung cancelled passport ko (in case of lost password). Will that have any impact if ever bagong passport na nilagay ko sa Form 80?
- no impact since may sections sa form 80 whereby isasaad mo ang previous passport, along with your current passport.
may traceability ika nga.
and normal occurrence lang din siguro sa mga applicants na magkaroon ng difference sa passport details during the period between EOI to Visa Lodging - as long as maayos mong mailista yan sa form 80 e should be ok.
ANZSCO 233511 | Industrial Engineer | Age : 25 , Education: 15, Experience: 15, PTE: 20| 75 Points
12.10.2016 | IELTS L 7.5 R 8.0 W 7.0 S 7.5
03.23.2018 | Lodged EA Assessment
05.29.2018 | EA Result : POSITIVE
06.20.2018 | EOI 189 65 points
07.20.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|78/77/85/86|
08.10.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|75/72/75/81| - PTE Reported Technical Glitch
09.27.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|84/82/82/89| - SUPERIOR
09.29.2018 | EOI 189 75 points (updated)
10.11.2018 | 189 Invitation Received.
10.29.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.15.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
12.07.2018 | Visa Lodgement
12.22.2018 | Medicals
1.3.2019 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
2.05.2019 | ImmiAccount Tech confirmed there is system glitch
in our Health Assessment Page in Skilled Migration Visa Application
2.05.2019 | Attached supporting documents in our application regarding this glitch.
3.15.2019 | CO Contact - Requesting for Medicals ( this is the result of the system glitch)
3.18.2019 | Responded to CO Contact
3.29.2019 | Feedback sent
4.08.2019 | Visa Grant. To God Be The Glory!!
Posts: 327Member
Joined: Jun 09, 2014
@ms_ane Thanks po
20.08.16 | IELTS Exam
02.09.16 | IELTS Results (L7.5 R7.0 W5.5 S6.5 | OBS6.5)
15.11.16 | Start of Sydney Trip
20.11.16 | End of Sydney Trip
11.02.17 | IELTS Exam
24.02.17 | IELTS Results (L7.5 R6.5 W6.0 S7.0 | OBS7.0)
15.05.17 | Started Composing Career Episodes
22.08.17 | Created EA Account
27.08.17 | Lodged MSA + RSEA
01.09.17 | Applied for Fast Track
04.09.17 | Booked PTE-A Exam Using AECC Voucher
08.09.17 | EA replied requesting for additional docs
18.09.17 | PTE-A Exam
19.09.17 | PTE-A Exam (L70 R75 W69 S87 | OBS73)
22.09.17 | Submitted additional docs to EA
26.09.17 | EA positive outcome with 5 years relevant work experience! God is good!
27.09.17 | Lodged 189 EOI via Skillselect with total of 65 points
04.10.17 | Lodged 190 EOI via Skillselect with total of 70 points
CY.2018 | Waiting game
20.01.19 | Attended CEVAS review sessions
25.03.19 | PTE-A Exam (L86 R78 W88 S88 | OBS83)
08.04.19 | PTE-A Exam (L81 R75 W80 S90 | OBS81)
06.05.19 | PTE-A Exam (L79 R87 W82 S90 | OBS86) - TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
06.05.19 | Updated 189 and 190 EOI via SkillSelect with total of 75 and 80 points, respectively
16.11.19 | EOI 189 and 190 auto-updated to 85 and 90 points, respectively
Posts: 25Member
Joined: Jul 07, 2016
Almost 4months waiting for an invite.. kelan kaya makakareceive...
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
*******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @crankygrinch | 189 | 75 | 261311 | May 8, 2019
2. @alegdon83 | 189 | 80 | 261313 | May 6, 2019
3. @auyeah | 190 | 85 | 261312 | May 23, 2019
4. @Lorie16 | 190 | 65 | 272511 | May 6, 2019
5. @ali0522| 190 | 80 | 233211 | May 25, 2019
****Invitation Received****
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @Mabelledita | 190 | 85 | 221111 | May 10, 2019
2. @skyhachi l 190 l 80 l 233211 l May 29, 2019
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @Edge | 189/190/489 | 75/80/85 | 221111 | May 1
2. @cacophony | 189/190 | 75/80 | 233512 | May 6 & 7
3. @cherryeoh2004 | 189/190| 70/75 | 254418 | May 10
4. @extremestyleman | 189 | 75 | 263311 May 14
5. @labilles | 189/190/489 | 75/80/85 | 313212 | May 22
6. @romeojb | 189/190 | 70/75 | 254424 | May 28
7. @djive012 | 190/ 489| 75/80 | 261111 | May 18
8. @kyle1213 | 189 | 70 | 234611 | May 21
9. @yukio0525 | 190 | 75 | 254423 | May 24
10. @frisch24 | 189/190 | 75/80 | 261311 | May 22
Posts: 225Member
Joined: Aug 08, 2018
totoo po bang 7months yung trend for 189 and 190 grants ngayon?
Posts: 20Member
Joined: Mar 24, 2018
hi po, ask lang sna for 489 since d po ako ngclaim for work experience kelangan ko pa rn ba mg attach ng docs like payslip pg nglodge ng visa? and clarify ko lng po if pd na mgpamedical? salamat
Joined: Nov 06, 2016
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Age: 25 Language: 20 Experience: 15 Education: 15
08/09/2017 - passed Australian Medical Scientist exam
27/10/2017 - PTE LRSW- 77/80/75/85
2018- got promoted, new job responsibilities,stop muna ang AUSSIE DREAM
25/09/2018- PTE LRSW- 70/82/90/70 ( technical, ayaw magmove ng mouse ko sa listening, 2 WFD diko nasagot, submitted report\complain pero wala din)
17/10/2018- PTE LRSW- 84/77/90/84
09/02/2019- PTE LRSW- 83/82/90/85
10/02/2019 -EOI lodge 75 (189) 80 (190)
11/02/2019 - ITA received 189 ( 75 points)
12/02/2019 - NSW ITA received 190 ( 80 points)
19/02/2019 - SG PCC released
20/02/2019 - Medical at SATA Ang Mo Kio @6-9 pm night clinic
23/02/2019 - Visa lodged 189
06/03/2019 - NBI provided ( umuwi ako Pinas kasi sa online Last name ni husband nag aapear, di pa ako nagchange ng married name ko kaya gusto ko kapareho nun passport at iba pang docs ko. Pag sa Pinas, pinakita ko lang passport ko at yun nirelease nila.
Joined: Nov 06, 2016
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Age: 25 Language: 20 Experience: 15 Education: 15
08/09/2017 - passed Australian Medical Scientist exam
27/10/2017 - PTE LRSW- 77/80/75/85
2018- got promoted, new job responsibilities,stop muna ang AUSSIE DREAM
25/09/2018- PTE LRSW- 70/82/90/70 ( technical, ayaw magmove ng mouse ko sa listening, 2 WFD diko nasagot, submitted report\complain pero wala din)
17/10/2018- PTE LRSW- 84/77/90/84
09/02/2019- PTE LRSW- 83/82/90/85
10/02/2019 -EOI lodge 75 (189) 80 (190)
11/02/2019 - ITA received 189 ( 75 points)
12/02/2019 - NSW ITA received 190 ( 80 points)
19/02/2019 - SG PCC released
20/02/2019 - Medical at SATA Ang Mo Kio @6-9 pm night clinic
23/02/2019 - Visa lodged 189
06/03/2019 - NBI provided ( umuwi ako Pinas kasi sa online Last name ni husband nag aapear, di pa ako nagchange ng married name ko kaya gusto ko kapareho nun passport at iba pang docs ko. Pag sa Pinas, pinakita ko lang passport ko at yun nirelease nila.
Posts: 20Member
Joined: Mar 24, 2018
yes po ms @lecia kkreceive ko po nung ITA so pd na pla. tanong lang dn po pg my immi account na at iba ang email ad na gnamit nung ngapply ng eoi need po ba gumawa ng panibagong immiaccount?? salamat po
Posts: 33Member
Joined: Aug 29, 2019
Hello po. Bagong bago po ako dito sa Pinoyau forum. Mejo malayo po ung itatanong ko na pero connected naman po sa visa application.
I graduated in Lyceum with degree in Business Admin po thru ETEEAP. Ina-acknowledge po ba ni Aussie ung degree na thru ETEEAP (Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation)? Balak po kasi naming mag lodge din ng EOI sa Au.
Thank you so much po sa mga sasagot. Sorry again sa mejo taliwas na topic. God bless us all!
Joined: Nov 06, 2016
Complete naman na po docs nyo anoh? Pwde ka na medical muna para fill in mo na lang anh HAP iD pag naglodge na, pwde din lodge muna para start na ang countdown mo, be sure masubmit ang mga docs within the 60 days time frame.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Age: 25 Language: 20 Experience: 15 Education: 15
08/09/2017 - passed Australian Medical Scientist exam
27/10/2017 - PTE LRSW- 77/80/75/85
2018- got promoted, new job responsibilities,stop muna ang AUSSIE DREAM
25/09/2018- PTE LRSW- 70/82/90/70 ( technical, ayaw magmove ng mouse ko sa listening, 2 WFD diko nasagot, submitted report\complain pero wala din)
17/10/2018- PTE LRSW- 84/77/90/84
09/02/2019- PTE LRSW- 83/82/90/85
10/02/2019 -EOI lodge 75 (189) 80 (190)
11/02/2019 - ITA received 189 ( 75 points)
12/02/2019 - NSW ITA received 190 ( 80 points)
19/02/2019 - SG PCC released
20/02/2019 - Medical at SATA Ang Mo Kio @6-9 pm night clinic
23/02/2019 - Visa lodged 189
06/03/2019 - NBI provided ( umuwi ako Pinas kasi sa online Last name ni husband nag aapear, di pa ako nagchange ng married name ko kaya gusto ko kapareho nun passport at iba pang docs ko. Pag sa Pinas, pinakita ko lang passport ko at yun nirelease nila.
Posts: 14Member
Joined: May 30, 2018
Hi guys, just a question, when lodging an EOI, sa Employment for the last 10 years, should you include lahat ng employment history kahit na nabawasan ka ng 2 years by the assessing authority?
For example, if I have total of 8 years work exp,
Company A - 1 year (jan 2010- dec 2011)
Company B - 1.5 year (jan 2011- jun 2013)
Company C - 3 years
Company D - 2.5 years
then ACS deducted the 2 years, should I also include Company A and B?
Or should I start with Company B with start/end date of jan 2013 - june 2013?
Posts: 985Member
Joined: Aug 13, 2016
kamusta? meron ba nabigyan ng grant?
Computer Network and Systems Engineer - 263111
Age 33-39- 25points
English superior- 20points
Bachelor's Degree- 15points
Work Experience- 10pts
Total- 70pts
July 25, 2016- Lodged ACS
August 2, 2016- Favorable letter from ACS
January 10, 2017- Took PTE
January 12, 2017- PTE exam results (L90 R86 S90 W79)
January 12, 2017- EOI
January 18, 2017- ITA received
January 19, 2017- NBI (hit)
January 23, 2017- Visa Lodge 189
January 24, 2017- Medical bgc
January 27, 2017- NBI clearance received
February 2, 2017- Medical cleared (no action required)
February 15, 2017- Grant
October 26, 2017- Flight to Melbourne
October 27, 2017- Landed in Melbourne
July 14, 2018- Moved to Sydney
October 11, 2019- Wife gave birth to a baby boy
October 20, 2019- Applied for baby's birth certificate online
October 23, 2019- Baby boy's birth certificate received
October 25, 2019- Applied for baby's medicare
October 31, 2019- Baby's medicare activated
October 31, 2019- Applied for baby's citizenship certificate
November 7, 2019- Received baby's citizenship certificate
November 13, 2019- Applied for baby's passport
November 20, 2019- Baby's AU passport received
November 2, 2021- Submitted AU citizenship application for myself and my wife
April 14, 2022- Received Interview with Standard Test letter. May 25 schedule.
May 25, 2022- Passed the Australian Citizenship Test
May 25, 2022- Citizenship Approval Received
September 15, 2022- Invitation to Citizenship Ceremony Received
October 6, 2022- Citizenship Ceremony
October 18, 2022- AU passport application lodged
November 7, 2022- Passport received
Posts: 1,133Member
Joined: Jan 14, 2018
> Hi guys, just a question, when lodging an EOI, sa Employment for the last 10 years, should you include lahat ng employment history kahit na nabawasan ka ng 2 years by the assessing authority?
> For example, if I have total of 8 years work exp,
> Company A - 1 year (jan 2010- dec 2011)
> Company B - 1.5 year (jan 2011- jun 2013)
> Company C - 3 years
> Company D - 2.5 years
> then ACS deducted the 2 years, should I also include Company A and B?
> Or should I start with Company B with start/end date of jan 2013 - june 2013?
- Option A: you can include yung 2 years na deducted then don’t mark it as claimable experience.
Option B: pede din na ang start mong ilagay e yung sa pwede mo lang iclaim. either way is acceptable, depende nalang sa applicant kung san sila mas kumportable.
Ako I chose option A. Just be extra cautious lang na di mo ma mark as claimable dahil it will affect your total points (over claiming) which can cause visa refusal.
extra careful ka din sa start date ng claimable experience mo make sure na tama.
ANZSCO 233511 | Industrial Engineer | Age : 25 , Education: 15, Experience: 15, PTE: 20| 75 Points
12.10.2016 | IELTS L 7.5 R 8.0 W 7.0 S 7.5
03.23.2018 | Lodged EA Assessment
05.29.2018 | EA Result : POSITIVE
06.20.2018 | EOI 189 65 points
07.20.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|78/77/85/86|
08.10.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|75/72/75/81| - PTE Reported Technical Glitch
09.27.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|84/82/82/89| - SUPERIOR
09.29.2018 | EOI 189 75 points (updated)
10.11.2018 | 189 Invitation Received.
10.29.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.15.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
12.07.2018 | Visa Lodgement
12.22.2018 | Medicals
1.3.2019 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
2.05.2019 | ImmiAccount Tech confirmed there is system glitch
in our Health Assessment Page in Skilled Migration Visa Application
2.05.2019 | Attached supporting documents in our application regarding this glitch.
3.15.2019 | CO Contact - Requesting for Medicals ( this is the result of the system glitch)
3.18.2019 | Responded to CO Contact
3.29.2019 | Feedback sent
4.08.2019 | Visa Grant. To God Be The Glory!!
Posts: 14Member
Joined: May 30, 2018
thank you @ms_ane! I'll go with option B and follow na lang yung dates indicated sa assessment.
Posts: 1,133Member
Joined: Jan 14, 2018
> thank you @ms_ane! I'll go with option B and follow na lang yung dates indicated sa assessment.
- Goodluck kapatid
ANZSCO 233511 | Industrial Engineer | Age : 25 , Education: 15, Experience: 15, PTE: 20| 75 Points
12.10.2016 | IELTS L 7.5 R 8.0 W 7.0 S 7.5
03.23.2018 | Lodged EA Assessment
05.29.2018 | EA Result : POSITIVE
06.20.2018 | EOI 189 65 points
07.20.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|78/77/85/86|
08.10.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|75/72/75/81| - PTE Reported Technical Glitch
09.27.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|84/82/82/89| - SUPERIOR
09.29.2018 | EOI 189 75 points (updated)
10.11.2018 | 189 Invitation Received.
10.29.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.15.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
12.07.2018 | Visa Lodgement
12.22.2018 | Medicals
1.3.2019 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
2.05.2019 | ImmiAccount Tech confirmed there is system glitch
in our Health Assessment Page in Skilled Migration Visa Application
2.05.2019 | Attached supporting documents in our application regarding this glitch.
3.15.2019 | CO Contact - Requesting for Medicals ( this is the result of the system glitch)
3.18.2019 | Responded to CO Contact
3.29.2019 | Feedback sent
4.08.2019 | Visa Grant. To God Be The Glory!!
Posts: 315Member
Joined: Jan 14, 2019
"Option A: you can include yung 2 years na deducted then don’t mark it as claimable experience.
Option B: pede din na ang start mong ilagay e yung sa pwede mo lang iclaim. either way is acceptable, depende nalang sa applicant kung san sila mas kumportable."
Same din po sa akin. May 4 job exp. din po ako pero yung 3rd at 4th lang yung pinaassess ko sa EA. Pero sa EOI po nakalagay iindicate yung naging job in the past 10yrs. Since engineering job din yung 1st and 2nd ilalagay ko rin po ba relevant sila? O pwedeng wag ko na rin sila isama? Di po ba magiging misleading info kasi kasama sa over the past 10yrs?
Medyo alangan po kasi akong isama yung 1st and 2nd job kasi kulang kulang yung docs ko.
Salamat po in advance. 😁
ANZSCO 233512 | Mechanical Engineer | Age: 30, Education: 15, Work Experience: 10, PTE: 20, Spouse: 10, CCL: 5 | State Nom: 5 (NSW)
Lodged Visa 482 | 17 Mar 2020 | Granted 24 Sep 2020 while Offshore
Travel Exemption | DOA: 08 Oct 2020 | Approved: 12 Oct 2020
Lodged EOI: Visa 190/95pts NSW
DOE: 23 Dec 2020
Pre-Invite: 10 June 2021
ITA: 18 June 2021
Visa Lodge: 05 Aug 2021
Medical: 31 Jan 2022
Visa Grant: 20 Apr 2022
Posts: 1,133Member
Joined: Jan 14, 2018
> Hello po. Tatanong ko lang din po yung sa conversation sa taas.
> "Option A: you can include yung 2 years na deducted then don’t mark it as claimable experience.
> Option B: pede din na ang start mong ilagay e yung sa pwede mo lang iclaim. either way is acceptable, depende nalang sa applicant kung san sila mas kumportable."
> Same din po sa akin. May 4 job exp. din po ako pero yung 3rd at 4th lang yung pinaassess ko sa EA. Pero sa EOI po nakalagay iindicate yung naging job in the past 10yrs. Since engineering job din yung 1st and 2nd ilalagay ko rin po ba relevant sila? O pwedeng wag ko na rin sila isama? Di po ba magiging misleading info kasi kasama sa over the past 10yrs?
> Medyo alangan po kasi akong isama yung 1st and 2nd job kasi kulang kulang yung docs ko.
> Salamat po in advance. 😁
- hindi mo ilalagay as relevant ang 1st and 2nd bilang automatic, the system will generate points for those - e tapos di mo naman pina assess. Just because the experience is within the past 10 years does not make it relevant - lalo at di mo naman pina assess. yan yung sinasabi ko na be cautious otherwise magkaka issue ka sa application mo.
para safe at wag ka na magkamali, lagay mo lang ang 3rd and 4th, kung ano lang yung pina assess mo sa EA and kung ano lang yung ni confirmed ng EA as relevant work experience. makikita mo yan na naka state sa iyong outcome letter.
ANZSCO 233511 | Industrial Engineer | Age : 25 , Education: 15, Experience: 15, PTE: 20| 75 Points
12.10.2016 | IELTS L 7.5 R 8.0 W 7.0 S 7.5
03.23.2018 | Lodged EA Assessment
05.29.2018 | EA Result : POSITIVE
06.20.2018 | EOI 189 65 points
07.20.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|78/77/85/86|
08.10.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|75/72/75/81| - PTE Reported Technical Glitch
09.27.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|84/82/82/89| - SUPERIOR
09.29.2018 | EOI 189 75 points (updated)
10.11.2018 | 189 Invitation Received.
10.29.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.15.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
12.07.2018 | Visa Lodgement
12.22.2018 | Medicals
1.3.2019 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
2.05.2019 | ImmiAccount Tech confirmed there is system glitch
in our Health Assessment Page in Skilled Migration Visa Application
2.05.2019 | Attached supporting documents in our application regarding this glitch.
3.15.2019 | CO Contact - Requesting for Medicals ( this is the result of the system glitch)
3.18.2019 | Responded to CO Contact
3.29.2019 | Feedback sent
4.08.2019 | Visa Grant. To God Be The Glory!!
Posts: 315Member
Joined: Jan 14, 2019
ANZSCO 233512 | Mechanical Engineer | Age: 30, Education: 15, Work Experience: 10, PTE: 20, Spouse: 10, CCL: 5 | State Nom: 5 (NSW)
Lodged Visa 482 | 17 Mar 2020 | Granted 24 Sep 2020 while Offshore
Travel Exemption | DOA: 08 Oct 2020 | Approved: 12 Oct 2020
Lodged EOI: Visa 190/95pts NSW
DOE: 23 Dec 2020
Pre-Invite: 10 June 2021
ITA: 18 June 2021
Visa Lodge: 05 Aug 2021
Medical: 31 Jan 2022
Visa Grant: 20 Apr 2022
Posts: 1,133Member
Joined: Jan 14, 2018
> @ms_ane I see. Hindi ko na lang din po ilalagay yung 1st and 2nd job ko sa EOI. Bale nandun na lang po yung 1st and 2nd job sa CV ko since makikita rin kasi nila sa employment history sa SSS. Thank you thank you po 😁
- yup. may traceability naman iyan if yan ang concern mo. pag nag lodge ka ng visa ilalagay lahat ng employment history sa Form 80, and magpapasa ka din nga ng CV kung saan nandon din ang 1st and 2nd employment mo to show na may work ka
ANZSCO 233511 | Industrial Engineer | Age : 25 , Education: 15, Experience: 15, PTE: 20| 75 Points
12.10.2016 | IELTS L 7.5 R 8.0 W 7.0 S 7.5
03.23.2018 | Lodged EA Assessment
05.29.2018 | EA Result : POSITIVE
06.20.2018 | EOI 189 65 points
07.20.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|78/77/85/86|
08.10.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|75/72/75/81| - PTE Reported Technical Glitch
09.27.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|84/82/82/89| - SUPERIOR
09.29.2018 | EOI 189 75 points (updated)
10.11.2018 | 189 Invitation Received.
10.29.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.15.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
12.07.2018 | Visa Lodgement
12.22.2018 | Medicals
1.3.2019 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
2.05.2019 | ImmiAccount Tech confirmed there is system glitch
in our Health Assessment Page in Skilled Migration Visa Application
2.05.2019 | Attached supporting documents in our application regarding this glitch.
3.15.2019 | CO Contact - Requesting for Medicals ( this is the result of the system glitch)
3.18.2019 | Responded to CO Contact
3.29.2019 | Feedback sent
4.08.2019 | Visa Grant. To God Be The Glory!!
Posts: 315Member
Joined: Jan 14, 2019
ANZSCO 233512 | Mechanical Engineer | Age: 30, Education: 15, Work Experience: 10, PTE: 20, Spouse: 10, CCL: 5 | State Nom: 5 (NSW)
Lodged Visa 482 | 17 Mar 2020 | Granted 24 Sep 2020 while Offshore
Travel Exemption | DOA: 08 Oct 2020 | Approved: 12 Oct 2020
Lodged EOI: Visa 190/95pts NSW
DOE: 23 Dec 2020
Pre-Invite: 10 June 2021
ITA: 18 June 2021
Visa Lodge: 05 Aug 2021
Medical: 31 Jan 2022
Visa Grant: 20 Apr 2022
Posts: 187Member
Joined: Mar 15, 2019
491 FS : 90 pts
Age: 30
Experience: 10
Degree: 15
English : 20
Sponsor: 15
Assessing Authority: AIMS
25 June 2016 ----------- IELTS exam (L: 7.5 R: 8.5 W: 6.5 S: 6.5) 7.5 overall
25 February 2019 -----------Documents for First stage Assessment sent to AIMS through Philpost
4 March 2019 -----------Documents for First stage Assessment received by AIMS
3 May 2019 -----------First stage Assessment result received
5 September 2019 -----------Second Stage Assessment (Examination) in Riyadh
12 November 2019 -----------AIMS examination result received (Passed)
11 October 2020 -----------PTE exam (Superior R:90 S:90 L: 90 W:90) I can't believe this
12 October 2020 -----------EOI submitted (491, 190, 189)
14 November 2020 -----------EOI updated (+5 points due to additional experience)
29 October 2021 ------------EOI for visa 491 Family Sponsored invited. I was aiming for 189 but I can't let this pass. Its
now or never. Passport used for EOI expired.
6 December 2021 -----------Passport renewed
8 December 2021 -----------491 Visa lodged
5 January 2022 -----------Medicals
15 February 2022 ------------ VISA GRANTED! Family of 6 - Direct grant.
A long journey, but a longer journey ahead. Keep the faith!
Posts: 888Member
Joined: Apr 27, 2015
@Desert_Cowboy said:
ang NSW at VIC may tinatawag na pre-nomination pa.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
261311 - Analyst Programmer | Age: 30 | Education: 15 | Australian Education: 5 | English Proficiency: 20 | NAATI CCL: 5 | Professional Year: 5 | Total: 80
26 Oct 2015 - Visa 573 Granted
01 Nov 2015 - The Eagle has landed
02 Nov 2015 - First Day High
15 Feb 2017 - Hubby and Bubba joined me in Melbourne
01 Dec 2017 - Graduated Masters!
21 Mar 2018 - Visa 485 Granted
20 Feb 2019 - Sat NAATI CCL Exam in Adelaide
21 Mar 2019 - ACS Skills Assessment Positive, Qualification has been assessed as comparable to an AQF Master Degree with a Major in computing.
23 Apr 2019 - Medicals Cleared - No actions required
29 Apr 2019 - Submitted EOI for 189
11 Jul 2019 - ITA received
23 Jul 2019 - Lodged Visa 189! Speaking life over our PR application ♡
04 Feb 2020 - CO Michael Contact (Asking for Evidence of NAATI CCL pass document, Status: Initial Assessment)
04 Feb 2020 - Responded to CO Contact, attached evidence of NAATI CCL documents (Status: Further Assessment)
04 Feb 2020 - Provided Compliment Feedback via DHA website
06 Feb 2020 - Received Feedback Acknowledgement email from CO Sebastian
06 Feb 2020 - Golden Visa Grant! PRAISE GOD!
08 Apr 2022 - Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter
27 Apr 2022 - Australian Citizenship by Conferral approved
20 July 2022 - Australian Citizenship Oath Taking Whitehorse Council
Posts: 53Member
Joined: Apr 25, 2017
Gumagalaw na ang april and ang daming direct grant. Praying na sana tayo na ang next!
Posts: 37Member
Joined: Oct 05, 2016
Meron na po grant ng May 2 at CO contact ng May 3
233914 Engineering Technologist |189 | Age: 25 pts | Education: 15 pts | Experience: 15 pts | English: 20 pts | Total: 75 pts (Instrumentation and Control Engr.)
08.04.2018 = PTE Exam L/R/W/S (65,71,76,66) = Proficient
28.09.2018= Submitted CDR + RSEA + Fast Track
22.10.2018= EA requested for PTE result & Contracts
06.11.2018= Send mail to EA (Blank STATUS MAIL)
07.11.2018= Received EA Outcome Result
07.11.2018= EOI Lodge 189, 190 VIC (65/70 points)
21.01.2019= PTE Exam L/R/W/S(80,83,85,88) = Superior
22.01.2019= EOI Update 189, 190 VIC (75,80 points)
26.02.2019= Received VIC SS Pre-invite
10.03.2019= Submit Application to VIC (liveinmelbourne)
Posts: 327Member
Joined: Jun 09, 2014
Need your advise guys. Lately I've been thinking of not pursuing the OZ dream as I see myself having a bigger purpose here in our motherland. Plus, mejo matatagalan din kasi yung next chapters ko if I start from scratch in OZ. And next year I plan to propose to my girlfriend na rin so the OZ dream has to be dropped. I'm torn. Somehow nanghihinayang din ako sa ginastos ko sa path na ito but then again faithful din naman ako that God will provide.
20.08.16 | IELTS Exam
02.09.16 | IELTS Results (L7.5 R7.0 W5.5 S6.5 | OBS6.5)
15.11.16 | Start of Sydney Trip
20.11.16 | End of Sydney Trip
11.02.17 | IELTS Exam
24.02.17 | IELTS Results (L7.5 R6.5 W6.0 S7.0 | OBS7.0)
15.05.17 | Started Composing Career Episodes
22.08.17 | Created EA Account
27.08.17 | Lodged MSA + RSEA
01.09.17 | Applied for Fast Track
04.09.17 | Booked PTE-A Exam Using AECC Voucher
08.09.17 | EA replied requesting for additional docs
18.09.17 | PTE-A Exam
19.09.17 | PTE-A Exam (L70 R75 W69 S87 | OBS73)
22.09.17 | Submitted additional docs to EA
26.09.17 | EA positive outcome with 5 years relevant work experience! God is good!
27.09.17 | Lodged 189 EOI via Skillselect with total of 65 points
04.10.17 | Lodged 190 EOI via Skillselect with total of 70 points
CY.2018 | Waiting game
20.01.19 | Attended CEVAS review sessions
25.03.19 | PTE-A Exam (L86 R78 W88 S88 | OBS83)
08.04.19 | PTE-A Exam (L81 R75 W80 S90 | OBS81)
06.05.19 | PTE-A Exam (L79 R87 W82 S90 | OBS86) - TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
06.05.19 | Updated 189 and 190 EOI via SkillSelect with total of 75 and 80 points, respectively
16.11.19 | EOI 189 and 190 auto-updated to 85 and 90 points, respectively
Posts: 28Member
Joined: Jan 16, 2019
Praise God! Direct Grant today sa amin ng family ko 🙌🙏😍❤️