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Online Points Test - Applicable from 1 July 2011

This general skilled migration self-assessment tool is a useful way to calculate your possible score in the Skilled Migration Points test.

Please note that:
1. Pass Mark required for the visas below is 65
2. Score below wont sum up until you have met all the following conditions

Visa Subclass

Which of the following subclasses are you applying for?
Skilled Independent - no sponsorship required. You must have an occupation on the new Skilled Occupations List. Check the skilled - independent page for more details.
Skilled Sponsored - requires nomination by a State or Territory Government. You must have an occupation on the State/Territory Nominated Skilled Occupations List. See the Skilled Sponsored page for more details.
Skilled Regional Sponsored - requires sponsorship by a relative living in a designated area or a state or territory government. For further details see the Skilled Regional Sponsored page.


In order to qualify for an Skilled - Regional Sponsored visa, you must be sponsored. Will you be sponsored by:
Australian relative - the relative needs to be ordinarily resident in a designated area. Your occupation must be on the new Skilled Occupations List.
Australian state or territory government. Your occupation must be on the State/Territory Nominated Skilled Occupations List.
Neither relative or state/territory government.
Score: Not Met


In order to qualify for an Skilled - Sponsored visa, you must be nominated by a State/Territory Government. Will you be sponsored by:
Australian state or territory government. Your occupation must be on the State/Territory Nominated Skilled Occupations List.
Not Sponsored..
Score: Not Met


Which age band do you fit into?
Score: Not Met

English Language Ability

How would you rate your English language ability?
Competent English: 6+ in all 4 components of IELTS or passport from UK, USA, Ireland, Canada or NZ
Proficient English: 7+ in all 4 components of IELTS or OET B Pass
Superior English: 8+ in all 4 components of IELTS
Less than competent English
Score: Not Met

Australian Educational Qualification

Have you met the requirements for the award of degree, diploma, advanced diploma or trade qualification(s) which took at least 2 years of full-time study in Australia at an Australian institution, which are relevant to your nominated occupation and which were taught in English?
Yes: Degree, diploma advanced diploma or trade qualification(s) taking at least 2 years of full-time study in Australia.
Score: 0

Study in Regional Australia or a Low Population Growth Area

Have you
- Met the requirements for the award of degree, diploma, advanced diploma or trade qualification(s); AND
- The qualification(s) were not in English language proficiency; AND
- The qualification(s) took at least 2 years of full-time study in Australia; AND
- The qualification(s) were taught in English; AND
- The campus of your institution is in a regional or low population growth area; AND
- You have spent at least 2 years living in the regional or low population growth area; AND
- You did not complete the qualification(s) via distance education?
Score: 0

Professional Year

Have you completed a Professional Year in Australia following your studies - currently available for accountants, engineers and IT professionals:
Score: 0


What is your highest Qualification?
20: Recognised PhD
15: Recognised Bachelor degree (including a Bachelor degree with Honours or Masters)
10: Recognised Trade Qualification including
  • Offshore recognised apprenticeship;
  • AQFIII/IV completed in Australia
  • Diploma completed in Australia
0: No Recognised Qualifications
Score: 0

Recent Work Experience

Which of the following applies to you?
Not in skilled employment over the last 2 years.
I have been in paid employment in a skilled occupation for at least 12 of the last 24 months.
Score: Not Met

Overseas Work Experience

Have you worked Overseas in your nominated occupation, or closely related skilled occupation for 3 of the last 5 years or more:
Yes - 8 of the last 10 years in my occupation or closely related skilled occupation
Yes - 5 of the last 7 years in my occupation or closely related skilled occupation
Yes - 3 of the last 5 years in my occupation or closely related skilled occupation
No - less than 3 of the last 5 years in my occupation or closely reltaed skilled occupation
Score: 0

Australian Work Experience

Have you worked in Australia for at least 1 of the last 2 years in your nominated occupation, or closely related occupation:
Yes - 5 of the last 7 years in my nominated occupation or closely related occupation
Yes - 3 of the last 5 years in my nominated occupation or closely related occupation
Yes - 1 of the last 2 years in my nominated occupation or closely related occupation
No - have not worked in Australia for 1 of the last 2 years
Score: 0

Partner Skill Qualifications

Check any boxes which apply to your partner or spouse
My partner is aged under 50
My partner has competent English ability
My partner can pass skills assessment in an occupation on the applicable Skilled Occupations List for my subclass.
In the last 6 months, my partner has completed degree, diploma, advanced diploma or trade qualification(s) which took at least 2 years of full-time study in Australia at an Australian institution, which are closely related to my partner"s nominated occupation and which were taught in English.
My partner has been in paid, skilled employment for at least 12 of the last 24 months
Score: 0

Designated Language

Do any of the following apply to you?
I am accredited as a professional interpreter or translator (level 3) in a designated language by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters
None of the above
Score: 0

Skilled Migration Points Test Results
Your score is:

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